Is there a way to copy some sources from one tree to another without having to re-enter the data? Totally different families but many general sources are the same - example: Great Migration books or Savage
Unless I am mistaken, I believe I have drag n dropped a person from one database to another and the sources came along. Then delete the person from the new database (unless you want to keep them). I believe the sources stay after the person is deleted. Then you can use the source for other people.
Yeah, that is a work around. Would be nice if you could drag and drop a source from the source list to the new “empty” source list.
There is also an option to File => Import => Import Lists where you can import sources from another database. But doing it that way is all or nothing. If you just want one source then the drag and drop is probably the best solution.
One problem with the drag and drop solution is that if you are using your own custom defined source templates, the drag and drop will duplicate the source templates and the duplicate source templates cannot be merged. That is not a problem if you are using the Free Form source template or if you are using RM’s built-in source templates.
The File_Import worked. I’d rather have too many sources that I can then delete some than to have to re-enter 100 sources. Thanks so much for your help.
You are something of a source lumper with a relatively few master sources. The all or nothing is tough on a source splitter (especially the ‘extreme’ variety like @thejerrybryan) with thousands of them. There really needs to be a pick and choose…
I do a ton of book searches. See doc attached. I use the books to confirm data I’ve found elsewhere.
(Attachment Finding books for genealogy research.docx is missing)