Relationship on Edit Person Screen

When I have a person highlighted in the Pedigree or Family view the relationship of the person is displayed in upper left corner under name and years of birth and death. When I open the Edit Person screen the upper left still shows the person’s name and year of birth and death but not the relationship. Is this just not available or is it a setting somewhere that needs to be turned on?

The relationship is displayed in the Index box which is available on all views except the Edit Person Screen. In edit person the left side panel is the “working” space to make your edits.

For me the relationship is not displayed, not even for my mother.
Only Birth/Death-year.

Hello from Norway.

It should show up at the People/Family page.

Hi karleif of Norway from midas2393 of Sweden.
It doesn´t show up in People/Family page or People/Pedigree view.
Still struggling with basic´s, so some elementary error probably.
Relationship calculator works correct though.

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Hi agian. To set Relationship, set your selves as the marked person at People/Family. Then hit the pencil, there you will see Set Relationship. Have you done that?

I am the leader of the Norwegian User Group for RM. Do you want to be a member?

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Thanks, problem solved.
As for membership I take a raincheck - busy with basics.
Ha de.

Yes, I see that. Didn’t know if there was an option to turn it on in Edit Person. Would be nice to have it there but not critical.

Thank you! I’ve been trying to figure that out for months.

it would be a nice feature request/enhancement to have the relationship displayed on edit screen vs only index screen.


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…and just why would it be nice? If you can’t give a detailed argument for your pet feature, you most certainly should not be asking for it.

It gets wearisome when people want this or that or the other feature, but when asked why, not one of them make a reasoned argument. You most certainly are not going to convince dev staff with a ‘I think it would be nice’, tact. Make them want to/need to develop your tool.

People need to spend more time reading some of the detailed arguments made by the likes of @thejerrybryan and follow something similar.

Basically – its stupid for it NOT to be on the edit screen. So maybe it goes well beyond why it is not there – more than it would be nice.Why should it only be on the index screen? When you move off the index screen you have to remember (or flip back). Your point is valid that many people fail to support why it would be valid.

But I do not have the energy to give a detail argument for most things – either RM listens or they don’t. @thejerrybryan does an awesome job of giving explanations, observations, and opinion.

Confirming request has been reported to development.

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Basically I think it is stupid and useless to put it on the edit screen. There is little if any use for it there. However, I am smart enough to know that ‘I want it’ is not an acceptable reason to expect that something get done or be adjusted to suit me. However, if you can write up a decent reasoning as to why I, the developer, should do something just because you want it, then I, the developer, am not going to spend much time on it.

Ok, so Renee says it was reported to the developers, but that means precious little. How many actually useful features have been languishing on the list for 10 or more years…and some of them actually had something other than a ‘Because I want it’ reasoning behind it.

Why? It seems perfectly logical that when in the Edit Person window, one should be able to see anything and everything about that person, including their relationship to the reference person. One might have multiple Edit Person windows on different people but the main view can only show the relationship of the currently selected person which might be none of those in Edit mode.

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if you want to argue there are many more worthwhile things for development to focus on – that might be a fair statement. The work involved to add - should be minimal as it would not require database changes. I can live without it – but I know I would be happier to have them on edit screen as @TomH pointed out – very useful as the majority of my time is often in the edit screen – once you get over 10K people you started forgetting where everyone falls in the tree (especially when they have very similar names and dates). Finally, from a development point its a very small ask.

One of my reason for asking was to see if anyone else felt the same way – if the they do or don’t that should influence developments decision implement and when (or not at al).


Because I don’t use it. Basically a mockery of Kevin’s argument that it should be there because he does use it, yet he isn’t willing to make a case for it.

It boils down to me being sick of everyone that WANTS this or that or the other, yet 99% of them can’t make a reasoned case for why it would be good and helpful. The best you get is something stupid like ‘most people would use feature X’…oh really? Who among us can speak for MOST people.

While Jerry gets extremely wordy most of the time, at least when he suggests something, he post shows that he thought things through and he makes a fairly reasonable argument as to why it would be a good and useful thing. Never just a ‘because I want it and everyone will use it’ line of hoohah.