Relationship Not Displayed on People Page


Looking for some help on this issue. RM 10. I have an individual (4th GGF) who has his relationship to me correctly displayed in the upper right of the People page. When I move to his father; however, there is no relationship displayed nor are there relationships displayed for any subsequent individuals in that line. All individuals prior to my 4th GGF are correctly displayed. When I use the Relationship Calculator, it correctly shows the relationship. It’s just not displaying on the People page. I have seen this in some other lines as well. I have attached a screenshot to help explain. Any suggestions or fixes would be appreciated. Thanks.

The screenshot is of the same person, doesn’t show Amos Austin Father or Mother.

Take a screenshot of Amos’s parents.

First turn on Rec# (record number to display the RM ID). (3 dots from Index). Usually alt names turned on is more confusing, I suspect you have two of them and they are not really the same “person”. If you have two or more people with similar names and/or do not have correct relationships this is can lead to things like this.

Have you used Set Relationships? First clear relationships then set relationshjps.

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I agree with @MYoung that the first thing you should do is to run Set Relationships.

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Based on the fact that relationships are showing for some people, I think @dlmuntz1 did run Set Relationships at least once in the past.

But I suspect they’ve added more people into the tree since then. Is that the case @dlmuntz1> If so, then you need to run it again, per the caveat at the end of the Set Relationships help page.

Note: “Set relationships” sets the relationship for the people currently in the database. If you add additional people to the database they will not display a relationship until you run the command again.

@rzamor1 I think it would be nice if RM had a way to enable auto-recalculation on relationships, perhaps as a person is added and/or every time the database is opened. That way, if someone typically just leaves a particular person as the nexus, they won’t have to remember to manually recalculate (which could get tedious when a tree is growing quickly).

Thank you! This did it! I didn’t realize that and clearly would not have guessed that the relationships did not carry through to individuals newly added to the database. I just assumed that once set, all relationships to that person would auto-generate. I think your suggestion to @rzamor1 is a great one. Thanks for your help.


Agreed. It has been repeatedly requested for as long as I have used RM (2009) and puzzlement over why some people don’t show a relationship when the user knows they should be related is a frequent occurrence. Other programs do the calculation immediately on a change in the lineage (someone is linked or unlinked) without adversely affecting performance so why doesn’t RM?

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