No address against a person

I have imported my tree into RM10, from a Gedcom file. Against may people is a birth location and a place where they died, some also had addresses from a Census.

I have tried to run an address report, but it’s blank, looking at a number of people using edit, there’s no icon to show that an address is held (but against details like birth, residence and death, there’s at least a town, county and country).
Shouldn’t RM import the address from the GEDcom, or if not where should it come from)?

What software originated the GEDCOM file? Have you looked at the GEDCOM file with a text editor to see which GEDCOM tags are used to contain the address data?

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not positive if it does or will in all cases – but if the tags were done correctly and if they were properly attached to person and/or facts it would seem they should. (a little outside of my knowledge area). Not sure if an address is present but not connected to anything it would (that would be true about most import process).


It’s out of Ancestry, looking at the gedcom file the tag against addresses is PLAC

Addresses in GEDCOM is an area where developers have interpreted the specs differently and/or exploited them in different ways and in different areas. RM is not noted as being particularly well conformant with the GEDCOM specs nor has Given that the GEDCOM is from Ancestry, have you tried a TreeShare download of your tree directly into RM? It may give you better results.

Also, Addresses are not necessarily Places that events occur in but are a person’s or institution’s or a non-tree Contact’s mailing address or a Source Repository address and are handled differently.

The addresses I have seen generated from a census on Ancestry usually come is as a place name, sometimes in descriptions. I’ve never seem them import as an Address that goes on the Person row or Address page. If you want to use them as Addresses you will need to manually copy and paste it there.

I could try a tree share download, and I admit I have almost zero knowledge of tags, but if the origin is ancestry, whether it’s a gedcom or a tree share surely they would share the same tags?

The GEDCOM tag for address is ADDR. Ancestry is apparently not playing nice with the address data. But as Tom mentioned, genealogy software is very inconsistent in their various treatments of address data. It’s hard to blame Ancestry too much when Ancestry has no idea where other software is expecting to see the addresses. And RM itself generates an ADDR tag for Place Details because GEDCOM does not have a standard place for Place Details. It seems to me that this usage by RM is very non-standard, but I don’t know what else they could have done.

Another confusing aspect of addresses and GEDCOM is that the ADDR tag is that it can be and often is a sub-tag of several different higher level tags, not always at the same level of the hierarchy of GEDCOM tags.

Thanks. I also use FMP, downloading a GEDcom file also shows the address linked to the PLAC tag. There is a ADDR tag, but these are mostly blank.

A bit of a leap, I know, and only based on two sites but this might suggest genealogical sites have a standard place for an address. If this theory is correct then it’s software such as RM and Ancestral Quest (I have a copy of this and there’s nothing in address either), that could conform?

The only other suggestion I’ve seen is copy and paste but I’ve got 993 names in my tree, so that’s not happening.

Reading an article on, evidently birth and death locations are in the place table.

Looks like I need to learn sql to get the addresses

Correct me if i am wrong but the address report is always going to be blank if you have not entered an address into the RM address book. It doesn’t print address that were entered into the place field and such. It sounds like that is precisely what the original poster is confusing when he gets a blank report.

@tomg35 --Renee aka @rzamor1 and Tom H aka @TomH both basically have told you the same thing BUT I think you missed it.

Address ( left hand side)— this is like your Mom/ grandmother’s old Address book or a Rolodex-- you can enter an address/ url/ email/ phone etc for a repository, a library or genealogy group or a 3rd cousin who sent you all those fabulous pictures etc— if you have an email address in there for a person and click on it, it will open a new email to the person-- if you click on a URL, it will open the URL in your web browser-- you link it to a person and can see who you have it linked to BUT that does NOT mean the address is in any of the facts/ notes etc…

I have a lot of databases and there is NOTHING in any of the Address Pages EXCEPT for the few that I have added manually–so basically just like you have a contact list for your email this is a genealogy Contact list.-- here is the help page for Address

Place left side–every place and place detail that you have added to a fact will be here

the 1st screen is Places such as London, England or Franklin Co., KY etc—

Click on the arrow ( left side) if it contains a number and it will show you all the place details (addresses) you have listed-- click on used ( right side ) and it will list everybody who has this place listed in a fact-- here is the info for places

EDIT-- if what you are wanting is a printed list of all places etc in your database, you can get that by clicking on the 3 dots on the place page


What I’m trying figure out is in my GEDcom files from ancestry and FMP addresses (e.g. birth and death) are associated with the PLAC rag, but RM doesn’t pick that up.
Given that both sites (and maybe others, I don’t know), use this tag couldn’t software like RM map that tag to the ADDR tag?

Look for a file named yourdatabasename.LST in the folder where that database is stored. RM should create a file with the .LST filename extension where it records any imported GEDCOM tags / tag structures that it could not interpret for use in RM. That may or may not exist. If not, then RootsMagic imported all data from the GEDCOM.

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Thank you, I hadn’t picked up that my addresses would be under Places - I suppose I was drawn in by the Address tag and expected it all to be there.
Really helpful answer :+1:

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That is why I said above that the Address report would be blank unless you entered addresses into the RM equivalent of an address book, addresses entered into the places field, or even place details for that matter.

good point – I recall hearing or seeing that before but forgotten about it

To confuse matters further there is a RESIDENCE fact in RM. I have always considered the PLACE tag on say, a baptism fact as where the baptism happened, eg. in a church. Some sources also give the home address of the participants ie the RESIDENCE at the time of the event.
As someone else mentioned, I consider ADDRESS to be a current contact address, as it might be in your phone address book - so there wouldn’t be one for most of your ancestors.

Yeah I can see how there can be some confusion on how RM & Ancestry use ( or mis use maybe at times) Address and Place details. Part of this relates to “Jargon” & terminology and what is really being done with GEDCOM (or tree share)