Publish to Ancestry converts living to deceased in RM8

When I publish my file to, it appears all people marked living end up being marked deceased on Therefore, all of the personal data shows, whether my tree is marked public or private. This has been duplicated and Ancestry says I have to change each person manually. Is there a bug or am I doing something wrong?

How did you publish your file to Ancestry, via GEDCOM or via TreeShare? When I uploaded a tree via GEDCOM to MyHeritage in the past, people with no birth fact and no death fact were marked as unknown and were visible as if marked as deceased. I checked my recent adds to Ancestry via TreeShare and the living people are marked appropriately.

Another user posted about this problem on the Facebook page and is working with support; have you submitted a ticket?

I posted via. Tree share. Idnt know about the Facebook group.

Is it possible to add a link to the Facebook discussion?

Facebook page is here

Yon can then search for ‘living’

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However, I believe you have to be a member of the Facebook group for that link to do any good.

Thanks so much. I’ll do it today.