Linked but not linked to Family Search

I have been struggling to understand why in the RM9 person details panel some of the people in my file say that they are not linked (to FS) when there is a FS ID after their name and that when you select the not linked icon, it does show that they are linked and brings up their RM and FS data.
For example Robert Greenhalgh in

When I then switch to the Family View, Those with FS IDs show the blue FS icon

and switching back to the Descendents View,

all those with a FS ID now display the FS icon stating that they are linked.

This seems very odd as I’m pretty sure that they were linked in RM7 days.

If I use RM to add the person to FS (so they are matched), then this problem/issue happens until they appear in a Family View. This seems very convoluted to me.

Note - I’m on a Mac using RM 9.1.3.

RM7 shows WebHints and the FamilySearch icon and the Ancestry icon in Descendant View. RM9 does not. It’s a feature that was in RM7 that is not in RM9.

The exception is that for the one person who is currently highlighted in any View, RM9 does show all those things in the upper portion of the left sidebar.

The info box status will only update when on the Pedigree or Family View. That is why you see it update after moving between them and the Descendant View. If the icon hasn’t been updated you can click on the blank icon area while on the Descendant View it will show the correct information. You can open the FamilySearch Person Tools and work with them.