Not sure I am getting the same access violation BUT it is repeatable in all my databases EXCEPT the one that opens in Family View-- if the file opens in the pedigree view-- all I do is
open file
click on anyone on the page
go to family view and click on that person to make them the selected person
go to descendant view
click on chevron for his/ her FATHER ( total of 5 clicks) and I GET
Click on the chevron for anyone else 1st and then his/ her father and it doesn’t seem to happen— at least not in the first 100 clicks…
That said, your access violation MIGHT be caused by the same issue that was causing my Argument Out of Range Error BUT only @rzamor1 could confirm that.
Final info from SUPPORT was:
It’s very clear by your description that you are receiving the argument out of range error coming from the list manager. Development is working on this issue. It can take 100’s of clicks before you see it.
So @thejerrybryan – to me the only real difference is I was using the index and chevron in the Family View to move from one person to the next-- took between 670-1000 click before the error happened–yours happens at a much faster rate…
just a thought