I’m reporting again a problem that I first reported in the earliest days of RM8. The first report may be found at Example of Confounding Behavior When Changing Views The problem is not always repeatable. In that example, I found a way to make the problem repeatable in RM8 immediately after importing from RM7 into RM8.
I still run into this problem nearly every day, and it drives me crazy every time it happens. I obviously don’t report it every time it happens. But it happened today, and it happened today in a way that was more frustrating than usual. As a result, I made a new video, this time for RM9. This time, there was no connection at all with importing a new RM9 database from RM7. This RM9 database was imported from RM7 in June of 2023 and it hasn’t been imported again. The length of the video is 4:25 and it may be found at RM9 Example of Confounding Behavior When Changing Views
My best guess is that RM9 is trying to remember what was in Family View the last time I was there. And when I switch to that view, it tries to restore it to what it was before. Instead, what I really want is to follow an individual person from view to view to view as I change views. What was in the view before should make no difference whatsoever. That’s the way RM7 did it, and with one exception to be described below, that’s the only thing that makes any sense to me.
The one possible exception is that RM7 had the ability to open the same database in two different sub-windows at the same time. The two sub-windows were independent enough of each other that you could be working on the Smith family in one of the sub-windows and on the Jones family in the other sub-window. I didn’t use that feature very much, but when I did use it, it could be very handy to be able to work temporarily somewhere else in the database and then to be back where I was before.
It’s almost like RM9 is trying to accomplish the same sort of thing by having the Family View open in the Smith family while the Pedigree View is open in the Jones family or something like that. I can only guess what it is trying accomplish because it makes so little sense to me. And RM9 can’t do the same thing RM7 did where the same database was open twice in two different sub-windows. If you open a second main RM9 window, it has to be open in a different database.
So I ask for the umpteenth time, please, please, please make it possible to follow a given person around between views, just like I could do in RM7. It seems to me that the total behavior should just be changed because the way it works now is so dysfunctional. But if there is some reason to keep the current behavior available, please make the alternate behavior of following a given person around between views available as an option.