Syncrinize tree between Rootsmagic and ancestry


So as i research rots magic and other software about synchronizing a family tree, i know the first time is the real easiest both ways i suppose… HOWEVER

as i get into Roots Magic and starting to use it, as i fix ancestry members and grab pictures say from roots magic or ancestry is there like a contribute SYnc feature that instead of uploading or downloading the FULL TREE OVER AGAIN, it would just make the adjustments as needed and grab missing pictures and docs etc… do a mass tree contribute with adjustments etc…

this feature would be good in ways, i know it maybe a lot but grabbing the pics in mass or uploading to people profiles would be great…

it would take forever to manually make adjustments to people on the trees like adjusting addresses or death or birth dates… even corrections to last names etc…

i use a sync tool called sync toy for moving files from 1 drive to another it has these settings i can adjust… Synchronize, Echo or Contribute (i forget which 1 it is but 1 does a delete and rename type function ) this couple help with the profiles in a way in the tree part

In ancestry i don’t want to have new tree names because should i have contributors already or mangers i then would have to re invite them AGAIN and AGAIN anytime i would synchronize he tree between the 2 programs

there has been very very little discussion on synchronizing active trees and files etc on here or webinars that i can find and if there has been any then its on the older versions not RM8


After 1st sync simply sync changes as shown in sync review report before you give ok. Decide which is the master rm8 file (best) or ancestry website. See bruce’s treeshare guide.

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TreeShare in RootsMagic is what you want to use with Ancestry. This video is for version 7 but it works the same as in 8. RootsMagic's TreeShare for Ancestry - YouTube

There was much, much, much discussion about the way the TreeShare synchronization worked when TreeShare was first introduced. So this is by no means a new discussion.

Some RM users seem very much to like the way TreeShare synchronization works. That’s because they had used a totally automatic synchronization from another product that had corrupted their data. The TreeShare way of doing it helps to prevent such corruption. Other RM users seem very much not to like the way TreeShare synchronization works. That’s because the process is so manual and time consuming after the initial upload or download.

I could be wrong, but I think the TreeShare synchronization process is unlikely ever to change.

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thanks for the link to the video… it helped a little bit

i still have a couple questions though i have to look at the video again and write the questions out… but what i saw helped understanding a bit…


the way tree share may work might seem to be good, but what would be very useful is an automatic sync say that would look at the tree both online and off to find the changes then have RM put all profiles and records ready to update faster

atleast that is what i am seeing in my mind…

FTM has that ability but based on my and and several people I know, I would not recommend it. The problems I encountered with failed sync and corrupt was what prompted me to leave FTM and find RM. I do not see me going back to FTM as my main db. However, many user report never having a problem. (I am sure some of them just never noticed they had a problem because they didn’t get error message). What I found moving to RM, was link, duplicate links and duplicate events. Some were probably caused due to user error (not knowing exactly what Ancestry was doing behind the scenes). Not trying to bash FTM, but that is basically the only other option I am aware of that will fit your need presently. The other reason why I would not use FTM / Ancestry is because of Media – unless you download and attach media manually and then reupload when syncing. Otherwise the filenames will have no meaning. I used FTM / Ancestry for about 17 years. The last year I have used RM manually, and use FamilySearch to add things (events / people) with that share feature which has worked quite well.

FTM 2019 works fine synching with ancestry since mackiev took over. You just have to keep FTM or Ancestry as the master and sync either up or down only. I keep FTM as the master and only sync up to keep things under my control.

It would be nice in RM to have an Accept All Changes button at least per individual, if not for all the changes, if you have 3000 changes and must accept every single change individually anyway.

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i think it would be nice to do it say by last name or generation or family an example by last name would be like having my last name and accepting all changes or selected boxes per person name and then hit a select all changes based on that group

some trees are huge and doing research and confirming a few things may take a little time but doing like 2 to 10 to maybe 50 names at a time. i have people at a time verifying what is known and accepting it would be great…

ALSO Say locking a name in a position example… if we know the mother or father their full name birth death dates locations lock that so changes CAN NOT HAPPEN yet maybe allow for an add on to profile for later check…

i screwed up my tree on ancestry a little bit not much, but my wife is helping me untangle a little bit of it… all because the woman was considered a child rather than the wife…

Also in terms of locking persons name is it would allow say a duplicate name in a different part of the tree… this is important if you dont know the middle name yet know you have the same name as a relative in multiple generations… in to my case this is very true with atleast 3 different names 1 name goes about 5 generations deep and a couple times father and son i know of the first name being used in my lifetime 2 times which are living relatives, yet have had relatives and ancestors before that be using the same name like i said 5 generations deep…

keep in mind these names of people whom are locked would stop mistakes from happening… yet allowing for additions say like children to be adjusted and or locked as well

there were no middle names used at a given time in history till the more recent years make last 200 years… also as with women, men sometimes went by there middle name (this is why i wish there was a middle name field) trying to match some relatives trees with mine and why we are marking profile records a certain way with the names more commonly used is not easy on ancestry website


How many of these would you suggest? Some cultures e.g. Portuguese have a multitude of names

I think that it doesn’t have one to prevent people from making some really awfully mistakes. I can only imagine the number of posts from upset individuals wanting to know how to fix their mistake.

I have seen that the Family program Embla has a middle name field. The problem was when transporting via Gedcom to RM8, the middle names in the middle name field did not come over. Any solutions to that?

well i know usa has 1 middle filed so lets start with that…

and as you say other cultures have more… even like the monarchy of various still existing monarchies…

so why not create a birth country field that then would allow then 1 or more middle initials or names…
i know the British monarchy has changed names in the past before queen elizabeth ii however they still have middle names… and in cases titles i suppose… i dont quite get how the names go together… or titles still BUT People like myself still maybe connected to monarchy my wife is double checking a line in her tree that does…

i say it again like in my other posts… this specific issue should have been thought out decades ago…

i get programming maybe a pain but remember this is ancestry work people want to do AND DO IT RIGHT so tools and fields need to be done the right way…


then why not create a confirmation select box to make sure that some people really want to do that, also with a side note stating any select all changes are based on member changes NOT RM so it puts the burdin of making sure that said member is certain tthey want to do a select all change…

i know ancestry allows such a feature for the person profile data… but any screw ups should be the responsibility of the member…

where i also would really want a select all tool are on the media and stories for all tree profiles to download from ancestry and other sites so we dont waste time selecting 1 at a time
