I Need Help with Synchronizing RootsMagic with Ancestry

Hello guys! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I wanted to try syncing it with Ancestry to use their cool features but I am running into some problems. I am hoping some experienced folks can help! Here is what I need a hand with:

  • I followed the instructions to link RootsMagic to Ancestry, but I am not sure I did it right. Is there a detailed guide or video to double-check?
  • What’s the best way to handle conflicts between info in RootsMagic and Ancestry? Any tips or tricks from you pros?
  • How often should I sync? Every time I use RootsMagic, or is there a better way to keep things accurate without messing anything up?
  • I am worried about losing info during the sync. Should I back up my RootsMagic file before each time? Please share any safety tips.

I also check this: https://community.rootsmagic.com/t/uploading-new-tree-from-rootsmagic8-to-ancestgenai But I have not found any solution. Could anyone help me in this. and any help will be grateful for me.
In Addition, My tree has over 2,000 people! Any advice for syncing a large tree smoothly?

Thanks in advance! :blush:

Respected community member :innocent:

Have you read this?

There are some videos here BUT were made back in RM 7 or 8–so refer to the print manual above if video and print don’t match

1 - You found the video to watch

2 - When you make changes in Ancestry, TreeShare and add to RM.
If you make changes in RM, TreeShare and add to Ancestry

3 - Up to you when to TreeShare, but I have found it easier to make a few
changes at a time. Usually a couple of people or a family so you know
(don’t do changes to 50 people and then TreeShare, you can but I don’t)

4 - Make a backup before any changes cause they won’t show up as changes in the future and if you make a mistake you won’t know it.

Be aware that there are some differences in the way Ancestry handles things (ie: they use Residence and if you prefer Census they don’t play nice)

You can’t lose data during a sync because RM doesn’t sync with Ancestry. It will share data back and forth but you have absolute control over that.

You didn’t say what version of RM you are using and whether on Win ( what version) or Mac-- there can be subtle differences in tree sharing especially if you are doing a large tree like yours of 200000

can you give us a screen shot of one of your Ancestry pages you uploaded? someone born long ago-- that way we can kind of look to see if it appears right


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Unlike FTM – which can have sync issues (which is why I switched to RM about 40 months ago). RM does not loose info with the RM database due to treeshare “sync” issues - at worst you might loose the last item you shared to/from. Share is not really ‘sync’ by most people definition as you can not sync multiple changes at once (FTM does do that – and that can be its weakness and why I would never use again — too many sync failures). I have never experience a sharing issue in past 3+ years.
