I recently upgraded from vs 8 to 10. I have data in rootsmagic which is not in my ancestry tree and vice-versa. I can only find upload to a new tree and download to new rootsmagic tree. How do I get the merge option?
There is NO Merge option.
TreeShare is how you update RM with Ancestry tree. (and vice versa)
It doesn’t sound like you have used TreeShare.
You can either add the RM changes to Ancestry and then use TreeShare to Download. That way you can update both.
OR use TreeShare to download Ancestry into a NEW file and then use the Compare function to move people from existing RM to New file.
Watch the video on TreeShare.
I’m working on it. It apparently doesn’t pull down everything. It doesn’t show any of my siblings and only one of my children. I’ll give it another try this afternoon.
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