Searching Roots 9 by FamilySearch ID

Looking for a way to Search my Roots 9 database with a FamilySearch ID. As far as I can tell I cannot search by FamilySearch ID number. I’ve tried searching in “find anywhere” and the people name index.

Attended a Genealogy SIG tonight and stumped the other attendees, so I may be one of the only people who wishes for this feature.

FamilySearch ID is a criterion (data field) for Advanced Search in RM10 and I think it was in earlier versions.

Not sure what earlier versions had that option. (Using 9.1.6)
by person Search would likely make most sense unless you create a group of several people

Another small help is to Customize the People view to add the FSID (and Reference No) as columns. Those Column headings (when double-clicked) can re-sort the view via the column data (alphanumerically) grouped together for folks having FSID’s versus don’t.

Ding, ding, ding! Yes! This gives me what I’m looking for. Hadn’t ever used this search. Thanks for pointing it out.

I will also try customizing the people view. Love learning new things.

Ps. you can save searches (especially for more complicated searches.

RM10 allows for more complicated Advanced searches