Matching ancestors' FSFTID numbers

I’m compiling the vital records from my ancestral town in a website using RootsMagic, namely, I notice it gets traffic and I have “met” online with numerous descendants including some in Italy. What is needed is a way to download only the FSFTID’s of a person’s ancestry. Castelcivita residents could submit their respective ancestor lists and everybody in town would learn their cousins. A couple dating could find out if they’re related so closely that it matters.

There isn’t an option to display the FSID on the HTML websites. You could modify the website HTML to include a report of everyone’s current FSID. The Custom Report will let you add FamilySearch as a field. Another option under Settings, General Settings, Number to display to select FamilySearch ID. It will appear on some of the other reports then. Keep in mind that FamilySearch IDs can change over time due to merging and deleting.

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sorry made me chuckle --a bit-- “sorry we can’t move to a 3rd date”

I have a powerBI – I built that links both to myrootsmagic and family search via hyperlinks – that might be an option