Roots Magic 9 not working with MacOS Sonoma Beta 14.0

Has anyone encountered this problem. Opening Roots Magic 9 using MacOS Sonoma Beta 14.0 causes the program to open with an expanded screen which doesn’t allow access to details or the button to close the program or actually do anything. Only by doing a force quit can the program be exited.

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I assume this is the Beta version of the forthcoming Mac OS. I have a vague memory of a post from some time back to the effect that RM doesn’t support Beta versions

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Thank You for Your reply and I will go forward

Mac OS 14 is far from ready for consumer use and it is unreasonable to expect rootsmagic to support it until released in October.Wait at least for OS version 14.2 or 3 before updating In January or February.

Thank You for Your reply and I will go forward

Yes, I am an Apple OS Beta user. Yes, RootsMagic does the maximum text size bug that is prevalent in earlier Mac OSes and also on PCs (caused by a font size bug) and the threads can be found by searching using SwissCows. What we are experiencing is a shortened version of the Settings so we cannot resize the screen after doing the Mac OS supersize options for the screen because those settings do not appear at all even after running the screen size variations in the Mac OS. I have used the Mac OS screen variations to some effect but the pallet does not shown when the screen is maximized pixelwize. Also the function key shortcuts for RootsMagic do not work as advertized. Yes, we are using the latest update for RootsMagic hoping thois issue can be resolved. I’ve beta-tested for RootsMagic for quite a few years. The thing is, if we see an issue using the Mac OS Beta then you can be sure others are also experiencing the same thing but not reporting it because they have given up. This has been going on for around a year so far. So it is not just the current the Mac OS Beta witnessing this odd behavior.

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It would appear that when RootsMagic is opened, it defaults to maximum Font size and we cannot correct it on our end. Resetting to defaults also does nothing.

This is what we see >

Unfortunately, I did load the Sonoma version 14.0 although I don’t know if it’s a beta version or not and my RootsMagic does not work. Can’t wait for them to put out a new version although I know these things take time.

See this pinned post regarding interim steps that you can take to try different screen resolutions - Upgrading to MacOS Sonoma

You can make it work by first going to your video settings and changing to low resolution. That should allow you to work until the final version of Sonoma 14

See my response on best resolutions for the MacBook Pro at

And there is no behavioural change going to Sonoma 14.1 either. Yes, it is a RootsMagic 9 thing and not a Mac OS thing. This has been like this for well over half a year, even pre-Sonoma. I’m sorta-kinda happy that there is a current “fix”, but there needs to be a visible screen setting option in Settings for the Mac-side of RM9, which is lacking.

Way cool! RM resolves the screen issues. Thank you, Roots Magic! I am currently running Sonoma 14.1 and I opened it in the default setting of 1728 x 1117 on this MacBook Pro and it plays nice.