Sorry, I see no way to select or create topic tags. The tag window only offered 3 choices and I saw no way to search for or add new tags.
RM8 on mac has a nice tree/pedigree view which quickly jumps to any person you search for. This keeps me oriented in my tree while working in FTM 2019.
FTM does not allow you to leave the current screen you are using to hop around and back unlike RM8. So when working in Media and relinking lost items I can jump to RM8 and locate which family folder the next media items relate to. Then I know where to look in FTM media folders.
Why not just do it all in RM8 you ask? Unfortunately, the RM8 person screen does not show all the media for a person. FTM does this very nicely along with all the other person info. Heredis and Macfamilytree also show all media but their person page is a terrible scrolling mess of narrow columns.