RM publish HTML bug

When I use RM 9 to publish an HTML website, and then I view it in my browser, it has an ancestor chart for whatever random person I was last editing, instead of an ancestor chart for the root person.

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It is working as designed.

I’m fond of saying that something is broken as designed if it is working as designed but I think that the design is bad. And I say that while knowing that there can always be a reasonable disagreement about which design is best. In this case, I very much agree with the design.

An RM database can only have one root person, and the root person is not something you typically would change very often. But if you are wanting to produce an ancestor report via HTML for one person, you are likely to want to produce several ancestor reports via HTML for several different people. I wouldn’t want to change my root person just to run each report.

This is consistent with the way most all of RM’s reports work that start with a particular person. You highlight your person and then run your report.The report will be produced for the highlighted person. I think it’s a good design.

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I guess I only played with the HTML report a couple of times - so I probably missed that – so that is good to know. However, I do not recall seeing that explained in the wiki (or popups when creating ).
