RM App for iPhone and iPad not working

Just tried this on my iPad with 17.2. Had no problem loading old RM7 files originally transferred by Finder (previously iTunes) and old RM9 files transferred via Dropbox. Just used RM9.1.3 to transfer a current file via Dropbox and that also loaded OK.

Also just tried it on my iPhone with iOS 17.2 and that happily loaded the same RM9.1.3 file from Dropbox. Though rather oddly, it also has that same file listed under On Device, and it loads OK under that heading. AND, when I look, so does the iPad.

Solved! - Quick fix on iPhone or iPad, go to Settings → Display & Brightness → Text Size and ratchet it down to where it works, maybe about 5 notches from full. Try going up till it starts crashing. Done

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