Place name table

As I start to type in a place name a table of suggestions are presented. They are what I have entered previously and contain errors. How can I edit the tables and remove the junk?

Click on the main Places tab on the left side of the screen.

Search for your places with errors. And easy way to do so is with the search box.

At that point, you can delete the places with errors or correct the errors or merge them into a version of the same place that doesn’t have the errors. If you are going to delete a place with errors, be sure that it’s not being used. If it is being used, then you should either correct the errors or else merge it into a version of the same place that doesn’t have the errors.

Another option that some users prefer is the PlaceClean tool. You can access it from the main People view by clicking on the Tools icon (the wrench) and then selecting DataClean and then PlaceClean.

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Go to Places, click on the 3 dot menu and select “Show unused places”. Click on a place no longer being used. Then click on the 3 dot menu and select “Delete selected place”. This will help you get rid of all the places you no longer want in the database. When done click on the 3 dot menu and select “Show all places”.

Many thanks for your help - Mervyn Buckingham

There should have been an option to delete them all in one operation.

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Hi Jerry,
Thanks for your advice. I have now learnt that if you delete a place it is not only removed from the table but from all the events that had used it. I have tried merging an unwanted place name with a wanted one and the contents of the table do not change. What is supposed to be the consequence of merging two place names?

Mervyn Buckingham

That’s not my experience. For example, suppose I have the two following place names.

Anderson County, Tennessee
Anderson, Tennessee

Then suppose I do a merge of these two place names with Anderson County, Tennessee being the place name that is kept and Anderson, Tennessee being the place name that is not kept. In that case, Anderson, Tennessee disappears from my place list and Anderson County, Tennessee remains in my place list.

If there were any facts using the Anderson, Tennessee place name they are now using the Anderson County, Tennessee place name. If there were not any facts using the Anderson, Tennessee place names, I could just as well have deleted the Anderson, Tennessee place name. But I almost never actually delete a place name. Instead, I almost always merge as a way of getting rid of place names. This is about an abundance of caution that no matter how careful I am that I might accidentally delete a place name that is still in use.

Hi Jerry - thanks for coming to my aid again - Mervyn

| thejerrybryan
May 11 |

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I have tried merging an unwanted place name with a wanted one and the contents of the table do not change.

That’s not my experience. For example, suppose I have the two following place names.

Anderson County, Tennessee
Anderson, Tennessee

Then suppose I do a merge of these two place names with Anderson County, Tennessee being the place name that is kept and Anderson, Tennessee being the place name that is not kept. In that case, Anderson, Tennessee disappears from my place list and Anderson County, Tennessee remains in my place list.

If there were any facts using the Anderson, Tennessee place name they are now using the Anderson County, Tennessee place name. If there were not any facts using the Anderson, Tennessee place names, I could just as well have deleted the Anderson, Tennessee place name. But I almost never actually delete a place name. Instead, I almost always merge as a way of getting rid of place names. This is about an abundance of caution that no matter how careful I am that I might accidentally delete a place name that is still in use.

Another peculiarity: If the place name starts with a non-English character (e.g. Å og Ø) no suggestions are shown even if places starting with these letters already are in the list of place names.


Accented letters are case sensitive in the search boxes.