Windows 10, RM 10.0.1, 64 bit
Since the beginnings of RM with Family Origins, I have always opened RM by opening Family Origins or RM and then doing File > Open or whatever the equivalent is for File > Open in that version of RM. In RM10, I typically start RM10 and then click on the recent database list that’s visible under the main Home tab to choose an RM database to open. As you can tell, I normally have I have the option Settings > Program Settings > Open Last Closed File > Open Last Database When Starting RootsMagic unchecked.
Therefore, I have basically no experience using Windows File Explorer to double click on the .rmtree file for RM8, RM9, and RM10 nor for double clicking on the .rmgc file for RM4, RM5, RM6, and R7 (and no similar experience with earlier versions of RM and Family Origins). So I decided to try it out with RM10.
I used Windows File Explorer and double clicked on my test database called jerryrm10_test.rmtree. RM10 did open, which means that the .rmtree file extension is properly associated with RM10 rather than with RM8 or RM9. But the jerryrm10_test.rmtree database did not open. Rather, no database opened. I’m assuming that’s because I have the option Settings > Program Settings > Open Last Closed File > Open Last Database When Starting RootsMagic unchecked.
My next test then was to check that option, to open my production database which is jerryrm10.rmtree, to close RM, and then to double click again on jerryrm10_test.rmtree. This time RM opened and it did open a database, but opened my production database instead of the test database I had double clicked.
This seems like very strange behavior. For most software that I run, I do double click the file to be opened rather than starting the program and doing a File > Open. Under these circumstances, I have never seen a failure to start the program and to open the file automatically that I had just double clicked.
So I was just curious if everybody else sees the same behavior. And I was also curious if this is the intended behavior, or if there is a bug. It seems to me that if I double click jerryrm10_test.rmtree, then RM should start up and should open jerryrm10_test.rmtree no matter the setting of Settings > Program Settings > Open Last Closed File > Open Last Database When Starting RootsMagic and no matter which database I had most recently closed.