Double-click on .rmtree does not open tree (v9.0.6.0)

My OS is Windows 10

I have set Roots Magic as the default app for the file type.

Roots Magic does open, but it does not open the file I dbl clicked on. It opens instead to a dashboard. I have to select the File tab, then click an open file button, then double click on the file I want.

I do not want to open the last file edited - I want to open the file I selected. Am I missing some obvious setting in the config section?

Secondarily, is there a way to disable that file system scan for more files?

RootsMagic shows (click loadable) recently used database filenames for File->Open.
Default app / Open with … not supported ! Scan for new files has no disable. Everything I’ve typed in this brief answer is currently “by current design”.

My OS is Windows 10

I have set Roots Magic as the default app for the file type.

You shouldn't have to do this

Roots Magic does open, but it does not open the file I dbl clicked on. It opens instead to a dashboard. I have to select the File tab, then click an open file button, then double click on the file I want.

That is the way it is supposed to work and has worked since RM8 came out.

I do not want to open the last file edited - I want to open the file I selected. Am I missing some obvious setting in the config section?

Yes, you are missing a setting.  Under the gear icon, you want Program Setting and it is the first setting.

Secondarily, is there a way to disable that file system scan for more files?

No, “open last” (that first option in Program Setting) is specifically something I want to avoid - it does not match my workflow at all - now I have to open the file I wanted and close the other one that opened automatically. I would prefer it worked like every other windows program and opened the file I selected.

Also drat on all questions/answers. At least there is nothing I was missing.

Otherwise, good tool - once the correct file is open.

…and if you uncheck the box, then it won’t open last

Oh sorry, I poorly phrased my first question. I already have open last turned off - it’s just that other searches showed people making that as the first suggestion to turn on. If you only have one file then I can see the utility of it.

I have to share data among other users and so having a single monolithic file would mean nearly daily file exchanges and wondering if we lost anything. So we’ve broken the tree up by primary interest and work - and communicate regularly about what we’re intended to change and ask if there are updates.

Mom had set us up with over 9,000 people from her research (back in the days when you had to drive to another State to visit the library and spend hours at the microfiche and ended up with a stack of damp mimeograph pages)

Thanks all for the quick replies!

I agree that the file “opened” in File Manager should open in RM, Just like every other app.
If there is a reason for the current behavior, it’s never been stated.
I’m wondering if the devs just don’t understand command line arguments?

One of the response you got was-
“That is the way it is supposed to work and has worked since RM8 came out.”
I guess innovation is to be avoided ?

I think that just means it is working as designed and is not a bug or a setting that I have missed.

I put in a feature request in the appropriate place. I’m a software dev too, so I know that ll things get filtered by priority and it’s hard to argue with software that works.

I am not certain where you got anything about innovation from that response. I am sorry that I apparently did not answer in excessive detail as some do. I will try better…how is this?

‘No, you can’t click and open the file in Rootsmagic. It is working as it was designed to as of Rootsmagic 8. Why this design choice was made is currently unknown to us common users.’

Sorry BUT every genealogy program I ever used, you had to go thru the dashboard in order to access the files and I have used quite a few---- I had tried several different times to open a file in file explorer in RM 7 and for some reason, it would NOT do it-- it did do it today however…

BTW— I have been told that you should NOT double click on a file after you hit open file button as it can open 2 instances of the same database-- doesn’t happen every time BUT it does happen …

Double-click on .rmtree does not open tree (v9.0.6.0)
your title says version but your info says you are on Windows 10-- -version was a MAC only update-- BUT surely you have updated since version as there have been 6 updates since then…

my file system NEVER scans for more files-- or if it does, it does it so fast that I can’t tell it and I have quite a few files in RM 9, RM 8 and RM 7— I have been told that it does scan EACH AND EVERY TIME if you have a Mac…

If you are using RM8 or 9, then yes, yes it does. If you open RM without a last file open so that you are sitting at the dashboard, click Open to open a file then look right above the Browse for Files button. your will see a bunch of file paths ticking off as it searches.

Both RM and Family Origins would open the file in the program if you double click them, no dashboard. At one point in the past, so did FTM. Not sure if the current version does so.

I don’t know what other genealogy programs do - I’ve never used on on my PC. but I do know what every other PC program does - it opens when you double click the document in the File Explorer.

I’m not double clicking inside the app - I’m double clicking in the File Explorer program - the thing that lets you navigate the files on your computer (I think it’s called Finder on a Mac)

You are correct. I was not wearing my reading glasses when I looked at the About window. I am using v9.0.8.0 - without my specs I misread the 8 as a 6. Not as young as I used to be - darnit, even RM reminds me of my age every time I open the tree with me in it!

It does it every time on a PC too. I guess my computer is not as fancy or fast as yours.

I wasn’t trying to start some holy war here, I was just making a request for the devs to consider a new behavior on document activation.

There was a valid point made about the version number and I can no longer edit the posting with the subject containing the wrong version number. Can some moderator edit/correct it please?

The right version number ix v9.0.8.0

Although I see that v9.1.3.0 is available for download. So I’ll update and see. Yup, v9.1.3.0 still does the same thing

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Amusingly enough, you aren’t asking for new behavior, you are asking for them to return prior behavior. This behavior existed until the release of version 8 and the absence was noticed and commented on. I vaguely recall that the removal of that behavior was blamed on dev tools.

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