Occupation Fact

I was adding an Occupation fact to an individual and started wondering about the properties of the fact. I wish RM had tool tips. So, the question is what belongs in each property? Is Place the location of employment or is it the Name of the employer? What is Place Details? There appears to be a location marker to the right of the box. And I supposed anything could be put in Description, but what was it actually intended to be? And where would the job title go?

Usually place is a location. Town, county, country. Etc.

Details may include street address and or employer name.

Description is as you say wide open.

Really you can use those fields however you want but the place fields are linked to the places feature so best to use that in the conventional manner.

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As hkcraswell pointed out, these fields are generic, meaning any Event will have them. Depending on the Event (Census, Military, Marriage, etc) each one will have information in those fields pertaining to that specific event.

For Occupation - Place Details I would put in the name of the company (add the address, etc in Notes)

For Occupation - Description, I would put in Carpenter, Electrician, Foreman to denote what they did.

You can add Notes for more details. (He was a carpenter who build desks)

Check out the video Getting Started in v9 on youtube.

The RM10 Help articles describes working with places.

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