So, if I understand the app right, a narrative reports picks up the sentence from the corresponding type sentence.
Example, in the case of my 5x great granfather James Freeland, I have a 1790 Residence fact for him.
That 1790 sentence come from the associated Residence fact template Sentence.
Looking at the Fact Type definition, you can see that (a) the sentence is formed using the Sentence Template Language of RM & (b) there are no additional fields defined nor can there be. The dialog box doesn’t offer a way to ‘edit fields’. There is only the option to add a few already-defined ones (date field, place field, etc).
So, what I’m pointing out is … right now, a user cannot add custom fields, nor modify the sentence template, of a Fact Type. If the Fact Type could be modifiable to include additional user-specified fields, then a user could define however many geographic subdivisions they needed.
For example, if Jerry wanted to, he could create a Residence_x Fact Type that substituted [Place] and instead defined the more granular fields of his example (City, County, Parish, State, Country)
Instead of the Sentence template being the current:
[person] lived < [Desc]><[PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>< [Date]>.
He might define his custom Fact Type sentence as:
[person] lived in <[City]><, County><, [Parish]><, [State]><, [Country]> on < [Date]>. < [Desc]>.
In turn, when a report picked up that sentence, it would use the more granular sentence as well.
And, since the Sentence Template Language can be used to control it and only display values that have been entered. If a place doesn’t use it, it just doesn’t appear.
AND, you can see from the above that the commas can be inside the conditional variable. If the variable is empty, both the value and comma don’t appear. If the variable has a value, it gets a properly-placed comma ahead of it.