Missing blanks in notes

Windows 10, RM 9.0.2

RM 9.0.2 is losing blanks at the beginning of each line of notes which have blanks at the beginning of a line. I don’t know if RM 9.0.0 or RM 9.0.1 lost the same blanks or not. RM8 does not lose the blanks.

The blanks are lost in import from RM7, but import is not likely to be the root cause of the problem. Originally, I thought the loss of the blanks had something to do with copy and paste because copy and paste can also be a source of the loss of the blanks. So I don’t think the import is the cause, per se, nor that copy and paste is the cause, per se. Rather, I suspect that the new RM9 notes editor doesn’t like the blanks at the beginning of lines.

The blanks are lost in person notes, fact notes, source text notes, source comment notes, research notes, and detail comment notes. Sometimes there is one blank that is lost on each line. Sometimes there are two blanks that are lost on each line. Here is an example where one blank is lost on each line.

In RM7 or RM8

Fain  James C.    51 head  m m w  farmer,       5 years school,      born TN, lived 1935 same house
      Rachel      50 wife  f m w                6 years school,      born TN, lived 1935 same house
      Mary Ethel  23 dau   f s w  helper, home  8 years school,      born TN, lived 1935 same house
      Paul        18 son   m s w  helper, farm  3 years high school, born TN, lived 1935 same house.

In RM9.0.2

Dist. 8, Enumeration District 78-13, Sevier County, Tennessee, 29 Apr 1940
page 279b, sheet 5b, Knoxville and Sevierville Highway, dwelling number 92, rents property worth $6000
Fain  James C.    51 head  m m w  farmer,       5 years school,      born TN, lived 1935 same house
     Rachel      50 wife  f m w                6 years school,      born TN, lived 1935 same house
     Mary Ethel  23 dau   f s w  helper, home  8 years school,      born TN, lived 1935 same house
     Paul        18 son   m s w  helper, farm  3 years high school, born TN, lived 1935 same house.
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I can’t reproduce that copying your RM7 or RM8 text. In fact it comes in better in RM9. In RM7 and RM8 its all one paragraph.

I just submitted a trouble ticket with a one person RM7 database with the leading blanks in notes that are lost on conversion to RM9. I also submitted that same RM7 base after converting it to RM9 and the RM9 database does reproduce the problem. Let me know if you need any information other than what was in ticket. I used RM7.7.0.0 and RM9.0.2.0

I find that one leading blank in each line is removed each time the note is saved/opened.

I can’t believe it !!! After the ver 8 last-empty line being deleted, I was sure that RM testers would add a test case to make sure that for notes what comes out is what went in.
I call this data corruption.
Only solution is to not open any notes until the fix is released.

Ironically this is working in my favour at the moment. As a side effect, it has helped me clean up some formatting issues I had, but I chose to ignore for the moment. When I went back to check they have all been cleaned up.

Silver linings. :grin:

Have the issue been reproduced at RM inc?

If it hasn’t been recreated, it is pretty simple to do. Just open a note, type two spaces then some text. Click the check mark to save, then open the note again and one of the spaces is gone. Open the note again and then save. Open it again and the second space is now gone.

Confirming issue has been reported to development.