Living people in Family search not matched

Living people are not matched with identicals in Family search. Is there a way to overcome this?

Yes, you can match by ID, meaning that you type or paste their FamilySearch ID in the RootsMagic search window.

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Every living person on FamilySearch has a unique FSID that only you can access if you added them. If you can see them in the FamilySearch Person Tools under family members for a deceased relative you can begin matching from there. Then work your way down the family. Once living parents are matched you should be able to open their Share Data tab and match the children. This method will work faster than having to search by FSID.

Does the RM interface work with the new FS concept of family groups? (Where users can create groups if users who can all see each other’s living persons)

I haven’t had any family members accept groups to test it. I don’t believe it’s in the FT API yet.