Line spacing in RM8

In family view where you have the person name then the bmd info, my lines are too close together.
This creates the words such as Kingdom, England, Ryde etc any where the word with a bottom bit such in g y p q it is cut off. Also when I first open RM8 either in Family view or Pedigree the info is not wholly with the box in the box. Once I clik the name all falls into place. System says I’m up to date with v Any solutions appreciated .
Thank you

What do you have RMs font scaling set to? You may need to reduce it until the overlap no longer occurs. The setting is in Settings tab>Display Settings.

Have it set hi due to my eye sight problem. I shall check it out and adjust scale and fonts to suit me
thank you for the info


This occurs for me (win 11) when I set the RM9 display setting at 150%. After clicking on all of the family view name boxes, the issue goes away. It seems to only happen just after I open RM with the font scaling at 150%. I normally use RM at 110% and the issue does not occur.

Until my ne glasses arrive I’m still at 140

Thank you