I was referring to those report settings that do not reset to some “known” or “obvious” defaults (font sizes/spacing in pts./ decimal point inches, etc.). Hang in there!
That does not appear to be my situation. Having corrected the collapsed box on one database through all the report settings Resets, they are still collapsed on another (I’ve only touched two, so far).
On the 2nd database, a Program reset (Ctrl+Shift+U) did the trick, which implies that there is something in the AppData\RootsMagic file(s) that is in play for Charts. Maybe something inherited in the upgrade from RM8 to RM9 since Charts were unsupported, iirc, in RM8.
Another factor is the number of generations. This Hourglass chart previews okay with Ancestors=10 and Descendants=3.
On increasing Descendants to 4, the preview blows up:
At best, Preview cannot squeeze it to fit the screen; at worst, may be the start of erratically large spacings:
So @kevync1985 try charts with only 2 gens each way and see if that behaves…
ahh – I was wonder about reset program – as nothing as seem to clear issue.
What else does Ctrl+Shift+U reset?
It replaces the RootsMagicUser.xml file with that of a newly installed program. If you make a copy of C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\RootsMagic\Version 9\RootsMagicUser.xml before doing the system reset, then you can compare it with the newly created one using an XML viewer or something like Notepad++. You could even restore selected settings by copying from the old to the new or return the old one to service after stripping out what you think you safely can from it.
I didn’t make a copy and so I cannot say what changed in my case. The virgin version says nothing about the hourglass report.
well if its XML format is should be relatively easy to view – as long as you do not mess up order (or starting ending tags) one could update
ps. the bottom line of course - is that a user should not be able to mess up something relatively easily on a report and need to reset program
Apparently I have 66 prior versions on Google Drive because I set up the RootsMagic folder in AppData as a virtual folder mapped to one in Google MyDrive. Google Drive does version tracking so I am able to look back at previous versions. I can see nothing in yesterday’s prior to the system reset that is related to charts.
Also under that folder is EBWebView which I doubt has anything to do with Charts but it might. There’s a sub-folder GraphiteDawnCache which might be related to Graphite or Grafana which is used in ways I do not understand on servers… Its contents are unreadable.
I do not back up that folder on OneDrive or I would have version History there. It looks like it has basically any tweaks, saves your passwords for sites, recent files and so on
well - now I am at loss – Ctrl+Shift+U did not work I am guessing it must be another file.
Would it have anything to do with the SMF file in the prog folder?
(looking for file stamps prior to today)