How to make a Line Break in Facts

Hi, I have just downloaded the full version of Rootsmagic 10, transfer from Gedcom has gone well with no major issues that I have noticed.
I am familiar with HTML code but stuck on this.
I have my facts set up previously in Family Historian as well as Family Tree Maker to read the name of the fact, then a Line Break so that my notes details start on a fresh line straight under the sentence of the fact. This works nicely for me rather than the notes carrying on straight after the sentence.
I have tried the common

etc format but it does not work and just ends up showing br at the end of the fact sentence.
Can anyone advise how to make a Line Break please as I use this all the time within my facts and notes.
I have also purchased the book Rootsmagic 10
Regards Ailsa - new to Rootsmagic

Instead of the HTML line break, use the keyboard Enter key to input carriage return(s).

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Thank you so much. So simple to do and it does work - thank you again
Now to tidy up my sentences so that they read correctly.
Kind regards

The idea of using the keyboard Enter key to input carriage returns is indeed very simple and it works well with RM’s facts and notes. However, you do have some decisions to make.

  • Carriage returns can be included in RM’s notes or in RM’s sentence templates or both. For your particular use case, I suspect that you are going to want to put the carriage return at the beginning of the note and not in the sentence template. But that is something you would need to play around with to see which way of doing it best meets your needs. Also, see the the next bullet point about there being two “notes” for each fact.
  • Each RM fact can actually have two “notes”. The first “note” is the Description field and is a short note, limited to about 100 characters. RM supports a [Desc] variable for this short “note” in the Sentence Template Language. The second “note” is the actual note. It is unlimited in size but there is no [Note] variable. Instead, RM places the Note text after all the other text that’s defined in the sentence template for the fact. So if you decide to use both “notes”, you have decide whether to put a carriage return at the beginning of the first note or the second note or in the sentence template itself.
  • For the most part, the simplest thing to do is not to use the Description field and to put the carriage return at the beginning of the actual Note field. Otherwise, if you put the carriage return at the end of the sentence template and if it turns out that there is not a note for a fact, you will get an ugly blank line in your report.
  • However, I have a few fact types that are only note text with no other data. This is a common practice among RM users. I call my fact which is only a note the Narrative fact, but the name of the fact doesn’t really matter. In any case, the citation superscript for a fact in reports comes after the sentence template text and before the actual Note text. That looks very unprofessional in reports when the only data for a fact is the Note. Actually, it looks just horrid. So for my normal facts, I pretty much don’t use the Description field and for my facts which only contain note I do use the Description field. I put sort of a short introductory sentence into the Description field and the main body of the note text into the Note field. Doing it that way makes it look fairly professional in reports because the citation superscript comes after the short introductory sentence.

Hello Jerry. This is excellant. I had tried out the carriage return last night in relation to the Fact sentence, and it was ok, but also not ok for my looks I want. This has really solved the issue and easy enough to do as well.
I do not use the Description field, as I have always put the details into the notes. If uploading to Ancestry those notes are not seen. But it has been to produce good reports in relation to putting everything into book format, and sentence structure makes it read so much nicer.
I also do have some facts that are only note text so it will be interesting to play around with your ideas re the description field and see how it all turns out.
Thank you again for this great reply, really appreciate the help.

Hi Jerry. This post of yours from last Sep is addressing a question I have. I created a narrative fact but called it Bio info. I’ve tried using the [Desc] variable as the intro to the remainder of the bio narrative in the Notes after finding out that the Desc variable is limited to x number of characters. BUT, I want a line break or carriage return to start the intro on a separate line. I used the return key for the line breaks in the Note, but can’t do that in the Desc. I see in your post that you understand my issue, but I don’t see a solution. In my Narrative report the intro in Desc is not separated from the other facts in any way–they just run together. Do you have a solution? I just posted a question about this a few hours ago and was sent a link to this September response from you. You should be able to see my question in todays posts. Thanks.

The line breaks or new lines or whatever you wish to call them do not work in the Description field. But they do work in the sentence template itself and in the Note field.

It’s very common for my sentence templates to include something like the following.

(newline goes here)
Obituary:< [Desc]>
(newline goes here)

Actually, the second newline could go where I show it, or it could be omitted from the sentence template itself and instead could be the first character in the Note field. RM’s sentence template language doesn’t actually have a [Note] variable, but it acts like it has one, viz.,

(newline goes here)
Obituary:< [Desc]>
(newline goes here)

That’s why the newline could be in the sentence template or in the Note, but usually not in both.

In the case of the [Desc] field where the variable actually does exist, you may need to consider whether you need <angle brackets> around the [Desc] field and any newline, so that the newline doesn’t appear when the [Desc] field is left blank.

I didn’t read your original note quite carefully enough. If I had, I would have realized that I have a fact called Narrative which is pretty much identical to your Bio fact. My sentence template for the Narrative fact is very simple.

(newline goes here in the template)
Narrative: <[Desc]>

That’s it. There is no second newline. If I want the Note to start with a Newline, then I start the Note with a Newline. I can enter things like Place and Date with my Narrative fact, but if so they are not printed. They only serve to do things like place the Narrative fact in the correct date order with the other fact. If I wish to include things like place or date, then they go into the Description field or the Note.