Code for "carriage return"

I need a code for a carriage return. I am doing some narrative reports and I need the [Desc] field to start on a separate line to indicate a new paragraph. Is there a code I can begin the description with that will drop it a line? I tried using the carriage return code that I used with TMG [:CR:] but that didn’t work. I’ve found in the Notes field I can just drop down one or two lines to separate paragraphs but I can’t do that in the [Desc] field. Thanks.

This forum post How to make a Line Break in Facts - #4 by thejerrybryan
explains a bit about carriage returns. Additionally, a mention is made that a Description field has a character limit. I’ve seen another poster say that they could only fit 129 characters at 10pt size.

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Yes, I’ve discovered that there is a character limit. I tried to do the whole ‘bio’ in the description and that won’t work. So I just am putting a short introduction and the rest of the bio in the Notes. There may be a better way, but this seems like it will work if I can do a line break. Thanks. I’ll find that post.

The size of the Description field is a fixed number of characters. It does not depend on the font size in a printed report. The limit is 100 characters.

You can’t just try it and see what fits, or not exactly. You might get a bit more than the limit to print sometimes. But more than the limit will be truncated from GEDCOM produced by RM.

It’s very common for me to include both a short Description field and a longer Note for the same fact.

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