My question about line break or carriage return codes in a variable has been answered. Unfortunately, I can only use the return key to make new lines in notes and not in the [Desc] variable. I’ll just have to make do.
New question: Is there an exclusion code that can be used in the [Desc] variable or in the Note field? I’m used to using curly bracket { } or a - to exclude things, but that doesn’t seem to work in RM 10. And I can’t find anything about exclusions in the GMORM manual.
2nd question? For some reason my Marriage tags (both Marriage and Marriage License tags) aren’t showing up in my narrative reports. What should I look for to find a reason? I checked the tag settings and they are set to be included in Narrative reports. And I checked the Narrative report setting and don’t see anything that would exclude showing a marriage tag. Those are the only two things I can think to check. Any other suggestions?
Search for the term: private …at RootsMagic 10 Help site or Press F1 key for context-sensitive landing at the Help site.
Thanks, kens0n. When I search the help file all I see are ways to change settings so certain things will be private or not. And most of these methods seem to be globally. Maybe I need to explain more.
For instance: In the NOTE field for an individual…I want the NOTE to print in the Nar report but say there is only one sentence or paragraph I want to keep private. Can I put curly brackets around that one sentence to keep it out of reports? Or is there another code I can use to keep a paragraph private but include the rest of the NOTE. Or in the [Desc] variable—I’d like to do the same thing. I don’t want to exclude this variable globally, just certain text when I need to.
Does this explain better what I’m trying to do?
RM’s narrative reports include three timelines for each couple.
- Timeline for the first spouse - events such as birth, death, and burial
- Timeline for the couple - events such as Marriage, Marriage License, and Divorce.
- Timeline for the second spouse - events such as birth, death, and burial
What you are probably seeing is that couple events such as Marriage, Marriage License, Divorce do not show up in the timelines for the individuals. This design is a genealogy standard, not designed by RM. RM is simply following the standard.
RM’s notes can include {curly braces} around private text in Notes, but not in the Description field. There are then privacy options to include or not include the private notes when you print reports.
It actually is possible to get couple facts to show up in individual timelines in RM’s narrative reports. There is not a report option to do so. Instead, you need to create shared roles for events such as Marriage, Marriage License, and Divorce. Having done so, you can share the roles with each spouse and the roles will show up in the timelines for each individual spouse.
Braces privatize portions of text within notes.
Some reports have settings involving private.
Sentence templates have Private switch (!).
[Desc] is just reserving space for the field. Neither Description nor [Desc] have any added functionality on their own.
Thanks, Jerry. I’ll have to experiment a bit. I’ve not done ‘shared’ roles in RM yet. I’m assuming that is like in TMG where I can add multiple people to a tag and it will show up in everyone’s report? I’ll look it up and see if I can figure that out. I’d like the marriage/divorce info to show in the individual narrative.
I’ll work with the brackets in Notes and see what happens. Thanks.
Thanks kbens0n. Between you and Jerry, I’ll eventually figure it out. I haven’t read about switches yet. Not sure how that works or what it is. But, I’m not looking to put the privacy markers in the templates (I don’t think). Can’t imagine having the the same privacy need in every use of a particular fact. But, I will read about the switches and make sure I understand how to use them. I do understand your other points. And I’ll be back if I stay confused!