Ancestry has added hundreds of files beginning with ONS and a few others to dozens of my folks. These extra media files are not in my database. I tried deleting the Ancestry file and uploading again but they were still present in the new file even if I used a completely different Ancestry file name. I found one entry with over 100 extra entries I had not supplied. Very confused!
How do I purge from Ancestry and start again without this happening?
You will have to do better at describing your problem for anybody to grasp what it is. Screenshots of what you are seeing in RM, TreeShare, Ancestry would help…
I’ve not seen anything like this either. Definitely need some screenshots to understand what you are seeing.
First thought that comes to mind is a ONE NAME STUDY
OK, here are some screenshots
One is from RM Compare media whilst in treeshare. It shows one file on my PC for this person and dozens in Ancestry. The upload to Ancestry was done today from this RM tree. The second shot is of the Ancestry gallery for this person showing just some of the files there, one of which, the house, is the one that I have on my tree. Still confused!
Any ideas?
Is that under the general media on the Person row in Ancestry? Ancestry will take all the media on facts and add them as general media also. Check if the person has those individual media items also appearing on facts.
They have all been placed in the general Media on Ancestry.
Is there a way to globally delete all non linked media from my RM database rather than having to do them one at a time!
Not sure I’m following the request and what you want to achieve. What do you mean exactly by “non-linked”? If they are general media on Ancestry it means you have facts that are using them.
These multiple ONS etc files are NOT media associated with the same folks on my tree. Ancestry is adding them when I upload the tree. I guess I want to delete them all on ancestry as they should not be there anyway.
These files ARE in my database but not used by any record that I have checked. I guess I have copied them back from Ancestry at some point. I just want to get rid of them all.
Not an issue if you want to remove them on Ancestry.
The issue is there are hundreds of them across a 6000 person database. I cannot do it manually. How on earth did they get there?
I have tried a fresh upload yesterday. The same effect still happens-lots of unwanted files in the Gallery dwarfing the few that I supplied.
I am ready to give up and just leave them there!
I am beginning to think there may be a bug in the RM10 uploading to Ancestry code.
I profess to rarely use TreeShare but, if memory serves correctly, an Ancestry Tree you’ve downloaded via TreeShare will bring with it not only the few images that you added to its Gallery but also the image attached to each of its many citations. Your RM database links to all those downloaded images and you can see them in its Media Gallery. You can also navigate through a citation in RM to see the associated image.
Then you disconnect the RM database from Ancestry and use TreeShare to upload it to a new Ancestry Tree. The citations that came from Ancestry are not recognised as such by Ancestry when uploaded and are stored as Other Sources in the new Ancestry Tree. The associated citation images that were not previously shown in the Ancestry Gallery are now new, foreign images as far as Ancestry is concerned, just like any photo you might submit, and are therefore shown in the A-tree Gallery.
That is interesting but I’m not sure what to make of it.
Is is possible to get a list of items in my media folder that are not referenced by any person record. I could use that list to delete them before doing another upload. I would of course copy them out before doing so!
If you can isolate a small database with the issue then open a support ticket with a backup with media and we will test the upload.
Severalyears ago coupted my me
All media downloaded from Ancestry by TreeShare resides in a subfolder of the folder containing your database file. The subfolder is named with “media” prefixing the name of the database. You could temporarily rename it, say, by adding “XXX” to the beginning or end before you do an upload. RM’s links to the media items are now broken so it cannot upload them. Once the upload has finished, restore the subfolder name to what it was before you added “XXX”
OK, I will try your suggestion but I don’t fully understand what to do.
I can open a new tree copy a few records to it then close the source database.
But what do I do then?
Thanks for your help!