I’ve been using RootsMagic and Family Origins for a very long time. For many years I have had two media folders (actually one I selected in one location and, even though I pointed the app at that folder, a media folder appeared under the app folder structure. In the folder subordinate to the app, a proliferation of oddly named files appeared and many are duplicates, I’ve chosen to merge the two folders, using the RootsMagic folder, but I still have several hundred of these oddly named files. I can, obviously delete the odd files, but that does not affect the app’s media tab and some of the oddly named files are linked and some are broken and many are duplicfates. At present I eliminate the dups in Windows Explorer easily enough, but I’m left with all the linked and broken linked files in RootsMagic. It does not appear to possible to bulk tag or delete… Oy… suggestions?
Have you used Treeshare with Ancestry? That file name sounds like their media. It usually goes in a folder under the RM folder where the tree file is shared.
To fix the broken links, go to the media tab. U der the three dor clixk on Fix beoken media links. Youwill get the option to choose the location to search for media. You will also find this under the tools tab.
Also if you have beoken links that aren’t fixed you can delete them from the database by running the Enhanced Properties List undr Tools.
If they were duplicates they probably used a slightly different filename. After being deleted fix broken media links won’t fix them. You will manually need to link them to the remaining file. Click inside the filename on the Edit Media panel. A small file icon will appear. Click on it and then locate the remaining duplicate file it should be linked to.
Thanks for the reply. I’ve been doing that for days. Was hoping someone figured a more streamlined means of making the fix. Ah well…
When I first moved to RM from FTM- (ver 7 & Preview 8 at the time) I had a rather mess of media file name due to Ancestry naming convention (which does not identify the file outside of Ancestry)
I resisted for too many years to name files and manually . Start doing that over 4 years ago. It sounds like a lot of work but really isnt. I came up with a naming convention the uniquely names file and keeps it identifiable.
Examples below
[BIRTH] (1 Jan 30th) John W Smith
[CENSUS] 1930 Rochester NH - Alfred Brocher and SPAIN Household
[DEATH] (25 Sep 1942) Eugene LEEMAN (1880-1942) p2
[DRAFT] Jesse Bernard Adams (21 Dec 1922) back
[HEAD] Beulah Ennis Harris (1918-1919)
[MARR] (26 Oct 1940) Jesse R Adams and Edna Mae Boger Front
Thanks for the reply. I’ve developed file name protocols over the years, but have lately found they weren’t work as well as I would like and suspected they might have something to do with this odd proliferation of file duplicates with extremely odd machine language names. So I’ve made some adjustments along with general cleanup. I was mostly just venting about the rudimentary built-in media library tools.
I know other have put in Enhancement requests related to media – I do not recall the specifics – you may want to post a new thread about that. The way I use media in RM, I do not have anything I must have over other features I would like. If you post and you get other to agree that might move it up the list for development team