I have found that when trying to add to an existing note, using the underline option, that I cannot cancel the underlining option. Surely it should be possible to click again on the option to cancel it. Anybody else found this problem?
I cannot reproduce your symptoms. If I highlight a block of text and click the U icon, the highlighted text becomes underlined. If I highlight a block of underlined text and click the U icon, the underlining is removed.
Thanks for your comment. It isn’t working for me! I have tried highlighting the text and selecting italic. Does this fine, but again wont clear the italic when I re-click the icon. So I now have sections in italic and underlined and I am unable to clear them. Incidentally, I am using Windows and have the latest update. Any suggestions?
I have just tried on another note in the same file and it works as expected. Underlines and cancels as it should, but not on the first note where I have the problem. Very odd.
An innocuous thing to try is to Ctrl+A (select all), Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+Shift+V (paste as plain text) and then save the note.
Yes, I have replaced the note with a copy and now all appears to function correctly. Thanks