Can someone confirm data is not being saved unless put another page ‘location’ in focus.
Ex: enter data in the results field of a task, and then ‘X’ d out of RootsMagic, only to find that all my work was missing.
1st-- when you created the task did you click OK
and 2nd
You need to set your database up to ASK FOR BACK-UP WHEN EXITING ROOTSMAGIC then when you hit the X to leave, you will get this
say yes if you CHANGED anything and it will ask if you want to OVERWRITE the EXISTING BACK-UP-- say yes and when you open it again, your changes will be there…
I did a quick test–added a task hit ok and immediately exited out of RM-- when I opened the database up-- the new task was there…
And ironically, there have been times when I didn’t backup the database ( had to force RM to close or it just simple disappeared) and my new data was in it-- it’ just was NOT in the backup
No what I did was entered my TASK result text and immediately went to the upper right corner and hit the ‘X’ and then skipped the backup(have other OS backup).
I see the flow now…you have to exit the ‘EDIT NOTE’ back to ‘EDIT TASK’ and do the save at the point.
User Error…thank you for you time
You might want to consider enabling RM db backups (without media). They are small files and put you in control of how much typing you want to re-enter should you make a mistake that wipes out important data. In addition to the setting to prompt for backup on exit as @nkess suggested, there is an option to automatically append the date, so it’s pretty painless to have a daily backup and it’s come in handy to have easy access to prior backups in addition to an overall backup strategy.