Creating an Ancestry Chart

For many years, I have had no problem in creating a box chart for the ancestors of a selected person. I easily did it yesterday but today I get a chart with the information in a narrow strip across the centre of the page which appears to be overprinted and therefore undecipherable.

I simply want 6 generations from left to right with minimal information (b/m/d) I have specified A4/Fit to chart, small box sizes, etc.

I have followed the book. and on-line help but still no joy.

I am sure I have missed the obvious, because it has been easy in the past

I have the same issue
Some days it will works, on others, I get what you see.
V 9.1.3 x64 on Win

You didn’t mention your current RM version. I’m guessing it’s probably, but I obviously don’t know for sure. Also, which operating system are you running? And if you are on Windows, are you running the 32 bit version of RM or the 64 bit version of RM? Those sorts of things can sometimes matter.

I’ve seen that happen. Sometimes simply closing RM and reopening will fix it. Other times if works better after a restart of the computer.

Thanks, with a sigh of relief

This is becoming quite frustrating. It only works on a minority of occasions. I have RM9 with 64 bit Windows. However, I see that Windows needs updating and keeping my fingers crossed that my problem will be resolved.

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Hi I am a newbie
I am having the same problem .
Just download setup 64 bit version and it is still the same and all show up Pink except primary person and the wife is in green
is there any advice you can give me please

In the settings do you have color coding turned on?

My experience a few days ago with Descendant charts in a thread about Ancestor Chart view was the same as OP describes in this thread. See the screenshots here:

The slider or it’s generation calculations or the structure of relative generations, seem to affect the display, for me.

Updating my Windows software did the trick for me.