Ancestor Chart Bug

I have an Ancestor Report of 6 generations which is not printing correctly. Two individuals in Generation 6 are overprinted on top of each other - the wife of one married couple and the husband of another. If I re-run the report with 7 generations instead of 6, the problem shifts to generation 7 instead. I’ve tried it in portrait as well as landscape, and with page size A3 as well as A4, and get the same problem. Please see the attached image below.

Am I doing something wrong, or if it’s a bug can RM fix it please?

Screenshot 2023-12-15 182502

What are your settings for Box Spacing? That maybe the setting that needs to be adjusted.

Box spacing is 0.43cm, I haven’t changed this. It seems odd that there’s only one instance of overprinting on the chart, I would have imagined a box spacing issue would affect the whole chart. Is there a way of closing up the double line spacing of birth and death details for each person, would that help to create more space?

Could you open a support ticket with a backup of the file so we can see what is happening.