Copy and paste adding font and other info with my text

I was hoping the paste feature would be repaired in RootsMagic 9. I have a Mac computer. When I try to paste a note or a citation into the notes it looks good when I save it but when I go back to look at it, it’s a mess. There are a lot of notes I want to copy from the internet but it’s a lot of trouble to fix this in long notes. Here is an example of a short pasted note:

St Peter and St Paul (Shiplake), Baptisms, 1851 August 31, IVES, Ann d. Charles & Mary Ann, lab; FHL microfilm 6204306.

This is what it looks like when I close it and open it again:

Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 4.21.32 PM

Just a thought BUT when you copy and paste, do you use paste as plain text-- not an expert BUT it appears, it is showing the HTML associated with the original text…

How do I do it any other way? I use command V.

You can right-click in the Edit Note pane to see options. You want the “Paste as plain text” option. the keystroke shortcut is Shift + CTRL + V.

Also be aware that there is a problem with the development tools that the CMD key does not always work on mac, so you may need to use CTRL. At some point, hopefully, that issue will get resolved.

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Thank you so much! That worked.