Can't access because of missing online tree

I have just purchased version 9 after having not used the software since version 7 in 2018. I successfully imported my version 7 database and can work with the new software, but I can’t get past an error with TreeShare. When I connect it to my account, using TreeShare, it shows that I’m signed in but I can’t connect because of this error in a popup window:

This file is linked to an Ancestry tree, but your login doesn’t have access to that tree. There are a number of possible reasons:

  1. The tree has been deleted from Ancestry
  2. The tree is owned by someone else and isn’t shared with you anymore
  3. You are logged into the wrong Ancestry account
  4. You are not connected to the internet

I went to TreeShare online help (Ancestry TreeShare) , and it shows this window.

But I can’t reach this window because the error window (shown above) only gives me the option of “close window”.

How can I modify the tree that RootsMagic is looking for, so I can get past this roadblock?

Have you run through all the possibilities listed there. Make sure the tree is still on Ancestry. Make sure if you are not the owner of the tree that the person sharing it gave you Editor permission. Make sure you are using the correct Ancestry account and you are logged in.

I’m definitely logged into my Ancestry account because I logged in with my browser before launching the program to make sure I had the correct password. Also, RootsMagic shows “signed in” on the error page.

I don’t know what tree it’s trying to access, but it must be a tree I have deleted from Ancestry. How can I find out the name of the tree that RootsMagic is trying to access?

Assuming that the tree is no longer on the site, how do I get past this error and check my online tree against what I currently have in the program? I am not able to get to the window shown on the online help page for selecting an Ancestry tree.

I know virtually nothing about usingTtreeshare… but I’m wondering if a user still running Treeshare from the same linked database both in both RM7 and RM9 would cause a conflict because of their respect links? Just a thought.

I have never had version 7 installed on this PC. I have my data from version 7 that I brought to this new PC, which I imported into version 9 this week. Just trying to clarify that I’m not running two different versions.

The answer on this question is that there is not a conflict. For example,

  • You can have RM7 and RM9 linked to the same Ancestry tree at the same time. I do right now.
  • You can have RM7 on two different computers linked to the same Ancestry tree at the same time. Both computers could be yours, or one of the computers could be yours and the other computer could belong to somebody else.
  • You can have RM9 on two different computers linked to the same Ancestry tree at the same time. Both computers could be yours, or one of the computers could be yours and the other computer could belong to somebody else.

Here are things you cannot do.

  • Have one RM database linked to two Ancestry trees at the same time.
  • Link an existing RM database together with an existing Ancestry tree. To get the process started, one or the other of them has to be empty.
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Since there’s not much work to be lost and with thejerrybryan’s reply ruling things out, does the procedure SETTINGS > Web Hints > Disconnect from Ancestry Tree work for you?


Thank you! This did the trick:
SETTINGS > Web Hints > Disconnect from Ancestry Tree

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Thank you work for me! I had the same issue and couldn’t solve the problem until I came across this information hint. :grin: