Argument Out of Range Error2

OK, I get one problem solved and yet another crops up. I hope this is equally as easy to resolve. I have recently switched to Rootsmagic 10. I save my backups and database to folder on Dropbox. Here is my issue: As I am working in RM and selecting different people, every third person I select, gives me an argument out of range error (see image). This was not happening with RM9.

Has anyone had this happen before and have any suggestions? Its really slowing me down.


Oh boy. I just read through some of the older posts about this error and the admonition not to use Dropbox. I think I will try pausing the syncing. My issue is that I use my desktop and my laptop interchangeably to update my Rootmagic and I was getting very mixed up about databases and names. Placing both to point to Dropbox seemed like the perfect solution.

The old Rootmagic 8 suggested it as an option; did they change with 9 and 10?
From Rootmagic 8 users manual online “Dropbox. You will be asked to sign in to Dropbox, and also to give permission for RootsMagic to save the backup. The backup file (.rmbackup) will be saved in the Apps > RootsMagic folder of your Dropbox account.”


As far as I know, the RootsMagic folks have never recommended using Dropbox to share your RM database between computers. On the contrary, they have always recommended against doing so.

The save to backup has to do with the backup file, not with your RM database. Saving your backup file to Dropbox is safe and it is recommended. Sharing your actual RM database by storing it in Dropbox is not recommended and is not safe unless you pause Dropbox before starting RM and resume Dropbox after exiting from RM.

I have used Dropbox with two computers for years without difficulty, but it’s only because I always pause Dropbox before I startup RM and I resume Dropbox after I shut down RM. I can’t say that I never forget the pause and resume, but I am vigilant to the point of being fanatic about remembering. And as other’s who read my posts may recall, I have actually moved my RM database from Dropbox to OneDrive even though I still use Dropbox for all my other files. But even with OneDrive, it’s still essential to pause OneDrive before starting up RM and to resume OneDrive after exiting RM.

Dropbox may or may not be the cause of your argument out of range errors, or it may or may not be the primary cause. The argument out of range errors can happen even if you are not using Dropbox. But in my opinion, it’s essential either to move your RM database out of Dropbox or else to pause Dropbox when you are using RM and to resume it after exiting RM.

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When the 1st argument out of range pops up, you need to shut down RM–then I would reopen it and run all the database tools… There are times that I have rebooted the computer if I’m getting a lot of argument out of range errors…

So you are using RM 10 with dual monitors BUT are you using Windows/ Mac and RM 32 bit or 64 bit?
What are the steps right before the error happens?

I am using a Windows 11 PC 64 bit. Which now makes me wonder if I chose to download the 32 or 64 bit Rootsmagic…hmm…I’m going to check that and re-download and install if it wasnt the right version.

Yep, that’s it! I mistakenly installed the 32-bit version when my computer is 64-but. The error is gone.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!