I have several ancestors that belong to two different color codes for families. It appears that I can only show one color code for the ancestor and not two. Is there any way to resolve this issue or is this just a feature request for RootsMagic?
RM already supports up to ten different colors for each person. But only one of the colors can be displayed at a time. The colors are organized into ten different color sets, and you have to pick one particular color set to be displayed and the color from that color set is the one that is used for each person.
In that sense, this would be a feature request. Given the current design of the color sets, the feature request would be to be able to display multiple color sets at the same time.
This is something that has frustrated me as well. I have several family lines that intermarried A LOT, but there is no way via color-coding to visually identify descendants of merged family lines and Iām very much a visual person.
I also am quite visual in my work and love the bright and varied colors, but would hope that multiple colors for an individual can be included in a near-future upgrade.
Yes, I use the colors for short-term projects and I like to pull up family lines as parameters for location, military, church, and/or occupation reviews. Following my railroaders has been great fun and information across my tree is exciting!
Just for anyone who is not aware or might be misunderstanding ā there are 10 color Sets available (each having 1 color per person per set) ā but currently ONLY ONE can be displayed at -a -time. So you can make use of multiple colors/color set ā just not see them within RM all at same time. The colors (up to 10 ) are there behind the scenes. If you want make user of Color sets 1-4 and give them Colors by line ā you can find people that have the 2 colors you are looking for within those sets ā that is one example.