Please!!! Retain whatever color coding for each person has been applied (unless it has been updated), instead of showing ONLY the latest color code implemented.
I have created Groups for All Templework Done (BESPSS), Sealed to Parents only(BESP), Sealed to Spouse(BESS). I apply a different color to each Group, so that when I look at my pedigree (or elsewhere) I can see who I need to work on. I’m trying to replicate what I see in my FamilySearch Tree.
You don’t mention what version of the software you are using but if it is version 8 or earlier, then there is never going to be a change as RM stops development on earlier versions when they release a new one.
If you are using RM9, it now has the ability to have color sets, up to 10 as I recall. While you can’t actually see all colors at once, you can switch between color sets when viewing your file. You could create a color set where you can assign a person the appropriate color. Whenever you wanted to view your pedigree, you would need to switch between the appropriate color sets. I know viewing all colors at once would probably be better for you, but for now it is baby steps.
Thank you for replying. I am using RM9. So I have created a group for each type of templework that has been completed and apply it to my db. Then I color code as shown in the attached visual = I can only see the color for the selected group, because it blanks out ALL previous color codes.
From a coding point of view, and I was a developer for 25 years, I don’t see any reason that it can’t leave previously assigned colors on persons and then add any new colors as this is executed.
OK, I dont know why, but applying eachcolor with the corresponding group is working great! Each color seems to be retained, as I had hoped.
OK, I was just going to write on how I didn’t understand how this wasn’t working. Glad you have it figured out. I use the combination of colors with the FamilySearch Person Tools filtered to a group, and the ordinance statuses and its all working.
The reason over most of the history of RM has been that there was only one data element for color for each person in the database. The RM database is an SQLite database and there is one row per person. The color information is in that same person table so it has also always been one color per person. The change in RM9 is that there are now 10 data elements for color, still all in same one row for each person.
In the earliest days of RM color coding, users would color code all descendants of person X as red, color code all descendants of person Y as color code blue, and then expect descendants of both person X and person Y to be purple. It truly doesn’t work that way.
Another historical issue is that prior to RM8, the color coding was in the text of each person’s name. The color bars in RM8 and RM9 might possibly provide the opportunity someday to display more than one color per person at the same time. Only the RM developers know if this might be a future possibility. In any case, multiple color sets where only one color set can be displayed at the same time is still huge progress.
Who amongst us has never made a typo, and he shall be the first to cast the stone!
Thank you, I agree.
In response to TheJerryBryan, I appreciate the explanation of the one row containing all of the info. I haven’t taken time to look at the table structure, nor use SQL for my reporting since RM7.
However, it is entirely possible to store the colors for each of the color sets as an array in that single field:)
At this point, I’m very happy with how it is working, so that applying a different value from a single data set doesn’t cancel out any of the previously applied colors.
Totally possible, but RM9 didn’t do it that way. Instead, the number of color columns was increased from 1 to 10. Another approach that would have allowed unlimited color sets would be to have created a color table with lots of rows. All SQL tables by definition have rows and columns, but the number of columns is fixed and the number of rows is not fixed. So any data that needs to be expansive usually is row based rather than column based.
That all being said, I am very happy with the new color coding. I can now make a new color coding without destroying the existing one. And the colors can now have labels in each color set. The only needed feature that’s not there is the ability to refresh a color coding - like all descendants of John Doe are green and you add a new descendant who is not green. Unless I’m missing something obvious, there is not a refresh for all the green people. I haven’t played with it too much, but I think I would solve that limitation by driving color coding from groups which now actually are refreshable. The groups and color coding are both greatly improved in RM9.
Agreed. Thank you. Jenny