I am trying to find my way around RM9. Having just downloaded my main file from Ancestry, I am trying to replicate what I have in RM7.
In RM7 I have descendants of ancestors and their spouses coloured blue and ancestors coloured red. I first applied the blue colour to ancestors and descendants of ancestors selected from a list, and then applied the red colour to the ancestors only. As expected the ancestors turned red and the descendants of ancestors and spouses remained blue.
I have just done this three times in RM9. The ancestors and descendants of ancestors are first coloured blue as expected. Then the ancestors are coloured red, but doing this clears the blue colour from all the descendants of ancestors and spouses and I am left with only the ancestors having a colour.
This is not what I wanted or expected, not what happened in RM7 and not what I think I read described in the documentation - although I find that and the screen very confusing.
As an experiment, I chose a random cousin and applied a third colour to all her descendants. This worked, but sure enough the red colour disappeared from all my ancestors.
Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?