Add Copy Text button

Under the “Edit Person” tab, when you select a fact, there is a box called “Sentence”.
It would be nice to be able to copy that information.

The “Sentence” does not really exist in the form that you can read as it is pulling information from different parts of the database and filling in the template. As I’m sure you realise the sentence is actually something like:
[person] died< [Desc]>< [Date]>< [person:Age]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.
The only way I can think of to actually copy the sentence would be to run a report that contains the text that you want and then copy it from the docx document that you have saved it in. Others may come up with a less convoluted solution!

Just because the sentences are constructed from templates need not prevent them from being copied. For example, footnote sentences are constructed from source templates in exactly the same way that fact sentences are constructed from fact templates. The footnote sentences can be copied even though they are constructed. If the footnote sentences can be copied even though they are constructed, then fact sentences could also by made to be copied even though they are constructed.

This is still needed for RM10.
It would also be nice to be able to Copy from the Published Reports

A workaround would be to use a screen clipping OCR utility. Not as convenient as highlight>COPY>Paste and limited to what is visible on the monitor but better than transcribing.

Thanks, Tom: That was a great suggestion!