What is Going on with Treeshare?

or is it just me and the gremlins in my database?

I was messing around with @alison 's suggestions in this thread

So 1st I Treeshared my Test 2 database up to Ancestry— broke that connection then Treeshared my Test2 res database to Ancestry-- I DID NOT BREAK THE CONNECTION-- I am still connected to this one on tree share…
Opened a 3rd database and drop n drag 1 person Jo from my SC database as the mother of Riba in my Test 2 res database-- treeshared that up to Ancestry-- then did a drop n drag of Jo from Test 2 res database to Test 2 database–then clicked on JUMP to Ancestry for Jo in test 2–not connected–okay.

This is where it get weird—in my Test 2 database I hit treeshare–Treeshare is still connected to the other database BUT I CAN NOW TREESHARE THIS 2ND DATABASE TO THE 1ST–didn’t know that was possible BUT they do have the same people in them…

So then I went to my SC database and just to see I HIT treeshare–IT let me UPLOAD my SC database to Ancestry–

After playing around a bit more I tried treesharing my PEL database to Ancestry and then my BOY database-- I was able to treeshare both of them…

So now I have 4 different databases connected to Treeshare

So is that how this is suppose to work as I thought that you could only be connected once to treeshare no matter how many database you had…

Windows 11 RM --single monitor

It’s a newly discovered bug/feature/quirk that drag and drop can create an RM database that’s connected to more than one Ancestry tree at the same time. I suspect that it will be treated as a bug and that it will be fixed. But that’s just a guess on my part.

Thanks Jerry–I understand that part as I do have 2 databases connected to one Ancestry tree BUT I now have 9 databases connected to treeshare----so I have 9 separate Ancestry trees—of those 9 I did NOT do a drop n drag between 6 of them — except for the 1 that is connected to 2 databases, all the other 8 are independent of each other–any change made in a database is only treeshared and changed in that database BUT for me this only happens in RM 10

when I go to RM 9 and try to connect a 2nd database to Ancestry, it gives me the standard message

I am assuming that you are referring to simultaneous Treeshare connections and am going to restate things slightly differently based on what I observe. I am using the mac version so please let me know if this is what you are seeing on windows.

With RM v10_0_2 I can have 2 RM dbs (db A and db B) open at the same time and can treeshare with either rm db without having to logout / login to the ancestry API even if db A and db B are linked to different ancestry trees. On mac, I can only have the actual Treeshare window open on 1 RM db at a time. In other words, if I have the Treeshare window open from db A (as shown in any of the 4 images at the top of your post), I cannot switch to db B until I close that Treeshare window. However, once I close the Treeshare window in db A, I can switch to db B, click on the ancestry icon in the lower left corner, and successfully launch the Treeshare window on db B even though it is linked to a different ancestry tree than db A. I don’t get a login error like you posted above and when I use the “Show on Ancestry” button I connect to the correct ancestry tree.

If this describes the scenario behind your post then I believe it is unrelated to the drag and drop problem than Alison identified. I’d consider this a convenience rather than a problem. I don’t typically work with multiple RM dbs open and have stopped using rm9 so I cannot comment on whether this is new behavior or not. Whether or not both dbs are receiving hints (and, if not, which db is receiving hints) would require more testing and might be of interest to folks who do work with multiple dbs simultaneously.

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Yes @kevinm – you got it–you are seeing EXACTLY what I am and IF I was really into Treeshare, I would also consider it a convenience-- I would also consider 2 databases connected to one database a convenience also IF it was the right main database on Ancestry as you could treeshare from a small still looking for a connection database right into your main database…

I don’t know how I made it happen the other day but ended up with 9 database connected in RM 10 BUT couldn’t do the same with RM 9–went in yesterday and deleted all but 2 databases-- tried to duplicate being able to connect to more than 1 database tonight and had no luck UNTIL
I went to the 2nd database and hit DISCONNECT FROM ANCESTRY in the 2nd database…


Then I was able to connect the 2nd database-- AND I AM STILL CONNECTED TO THE 1ST thru both databases and the other one I left on Ancestry…
I was able to also do the same on RM 9 tonight…

The weird thing is that tonight I have to hit disconnect in each database before I can upload it BUT didn’t do that the other night…

So is this how you were able to connect more than 1?

As for hints, I upload Mom’s file and Dad’s file–descendants are the same BUT just have Dad’s parents and his grand father listed in Mom’s file and vice versa…
Keeping in mind that I don’t keep my databases on Ancestry, it added hints to both files-- MOM and Dad have hints in both files BUT their parents only have hints in their child’s database not the child-in-law…
As for my siblings and I–Mom’s file only has web hints for 1 brother that has died and 1 that has not-- Dad’s file now has hints for all of us kids–so I am pretty sure that if I wait long enough for Ancestry to add the hints on-line , I would get the hints for each person in both databases…

Glad that we are talking about the same thing. I did a more controlled test today and don’t see any issues here.

  • I have 2 RM dbs (db A and db B). Each has a treeshare connection defined and they are to different ancestry trees
  • With both db A and db B both open in RM10, I launch Treeshare on db A
  • Once all changes are collected from ancestry, “Close” the treeshare window
  • The Ancestry Tree leaf icon stays shaded light green on both RM dbs. (I interpret this to indicate that I have successfully authenticated to ancestry via treeshare and that a Treeshare API connection is open.)
  • Hints have populated in the People view of db A, including hints from Ancestry
  • Hints have populated in the People view of db B, but I do not see hints from Ancestry
  • I then launch Treeshare in db B.
  • There is no prompt to authenticate. (The user ID from the initial ancestry login has edit access to both ancestry trees)
  • Once all changes are collected from ancestry, “Close” the treeshare window
  • I now see ancestry hints in db B

The test indicates that the RM Treeshare feature can establish a connection with more than 1 ancestry tree without requiring a logout/login sequence. I didn’t experience any unexpected results.

It can be very confusing when discussing data connections and data movement between 2 systems. Terminology, if not well defined, tends to create additional confusion. I think there may be some of that going on here. The basics of Treeshare have not changed:

  • A RM db can have only 1 Treeshare link defined to 1 ancestry tree
  • Multiple RM dbs can have their Treeshare link defined to the same ancestry tree
  • If you use the RM setting to “Disconnect from Ancestry Tree”, then the Treeshare link definition to that ancestry tree is broken forever (unless you restore from a prior backup)

What we see in V10 is that if there are multiple RM dbs open with settings defined to connect to different ancestry trees, then we can launch the treeshare feature on each of the RM databases (1 at a time) and connect to the appropriate ancestry tree. I don’t know whether this is new behavior but, if it is, it seems likely that it’s related to changes that ancestry made to their API around the time that they implement OAUTH. It’s a “down in the weeds” kind of thing and understandable that RM would not call it out as a feature update.

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Thanks @kevinm

I seriously doubt that RM support even realized you could do this as @rzamor1 has always said you could only be connected to 1 database at a time – to me this appeared to be true as I always got the error message until I disconnected the 2nd database…

And I strongly suspect that most people who tree share will NOT try this-- too afraid of messing up their connection…

Hello, I have just downloaded RM 10 and was excited to be able to use it with DNA. I discovered that my tree on RM that I had downloaded some time ago does not hold the same number of people as my Ancestry one. I am struggling to find the page that allows me to download my Ancestry tree to RM so that both files have the some number of people. I assume it is the page “Download and Connect”. Instead, I am being taken to a page that shows me differences between a record in Ancestry versus RM. One of them is on RM as I added the person as they are a DNA match of unknown origin. The DNA video said to add these even if I did not know how they fitted into my tree. Now it seems to me that I am expected to delete it. Can anyone guide how to get out of this dilemma please?

I am not seeing what your issue is here as it isn’t really clearly explained. What I see is that you have added a person to RM that is an unidentified DNA match that you found. Now RM is showing this person in the TreeShare screen as being different from your Ancestry tree, which is precisely what it is supposed to do.

Why do you think you have to delete the person? And what DNA video are you referencing?