Upgrading to RM9?

I have been using RM7 for a several years now. I initially hated it. Eventually I grew to like it, and I have now grown quite accustomed to it. I now realize the best thing I did in this regard was that I purchased the RM7 book when I first bought RM7. It has proven to a life saver, and I depend on it still.

Are there any real benefits to moving from RM7 on to RM9? Understand that I really, really hate the thought of enduring another learning curve! In fact, the only reason I am even considering moving up to RM 9 is that there is a book available with it.

I won’t even consider the other RM versions as I do not see an available RM book option.

Thanks in advance for any help offered.

RM9 is no longer supported nor available to purchase. RM10 is the current version and a book is available via Amazon. Search this forum and Facebook for comments on the book as there have been numerous comments about the quality of printing and readability of the book.

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Thank you, Bob. I had no idea. What can you say in regard to the learning curve involved with moving up RM10? Thanks, I will look into the book and the issues with that.

This “Getting Started with RootsMagic 9” video can give you a good feel on what your learning curve maybe. It still applies to RM10. Below that is a link to "What’s New in RootsMagic 10.

Getting Started with RootsMagic 9

What’s New in RootsMagic 10

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RM10 is a major rewrite from RM7 and many people has publicly said they would stay on RM7 which no longer is able to connect with Ancestry nor Family Search. My suggestion is to download RM10, install as “Essentials” and try the new features that are enabled. This will give you a good feel for the program. Then you can make an informed decision.


v10 is the latest and has several “new” things since v7.

v10 is the only version to connect to Ancestry & FamilySearch - if those interest you then yes upgrade.

DNA, Health & Associations are new in v10 - again if those interest you, upgrade.

There are more things (too many to list) so take BobC advice and download Essentials, watch the videos and take for a test drive.

You can open v7 database in v10 with NO impact to it and still use v7.

Make sure you do NOT uninstall v7 when installing v10 (it will pop up and tell you it found another version).

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Incorrect! Version 9.01 and higher do connect. So if version 9 is already owned, it will work.


that highly subjective answer. A lot of it comes down to accepting the different interface, if you decide you can’t/won’t adapt then you will fail to. I started with RM7 and RM8 Preview at same time. RM7 was much closer to FTM at that time. The MIA top dropdown menu can be hard for many people.

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  1. current RM10 book from amazon is fine and gets you oriented.
  2. it rarely pays to hang onto an obsolete program version due to missing out on bug fixes and new features. Ancestry connection is key.
  3. Work through the videos from RM8 9 and 10 in order.
  4. If on a mac, RM10 is the only way to go. RM7 on a fake windows bottle was horrible. If a windows and intel user just get used to a better interface halfway between Microsoft and Apple.
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Thanks for your reply. It helps very much but I have a follow up question. I see that much is made of the Family search and Ancestry feature.

I get it however when I was last actively using my RM7 (well over a year ago) I always used FS and Ancestry. It really helped but when I saw what Ancestry is now charging I am not sure I really want to go that route.

So if I go with an upgrade to RM 9 or RM10 they will connect with my Ancestry account IF I pay for one right? Or is does it work differently?


Upgrade to v10 the latest so you will get updates to it. RM doesn’t do any updates to older versions.

RM will connect via TreeShare (check out the video) to your Ancestry account.


[Are there any real benefits to moving from RM7 on to RM9? Understand that I really, really hate the thought of enduring another learning curve! In fact, the only reason I am even considering moving up to RM 9 is that there is a book available with it]

Every RM version has its own book and the book version for RM10 is of good quality. It is available on Amazon.

Whether or not to choose to move from RM7 to RM10 is a choice if you want/need the newer features. Since RM7 has a better, more easily used interface for data entry, and I stick with needing fewer data details that are accommodated in the gedcom standards, I stay with RM7.

Using RM7 does require me to keep a separate database in RM10 to be able to access the FamilySearch Family Tree matches that I use a lot. To use the Ancestry features, you need RM10 as well. Do be prepared for a learning curve.


Grrrrr! Thanks for the frank answer. I suspect you are correct. I am not sure I want the headaches of relearning what I can do now so easily. I guess the older I get the more resistant I become to having to relearn things.

I suppose I will look at the videos and see what it looks like. I need to see if it is as bad as my gut is telling me it is going to be.

Thanks for the advice and warning.

You can also download version 10 and use it free in its Essentials form alongside your video foray.

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For older brains one way to keep it working longer is to learn new things like a new computer program or human language, etc. Think of RM10 vs 7 as a healthy mind adventure.


Thanks Rooty. I know you are right … I have looked over RM10 Essentials. Even browsed a bit and dabbled a bit. It really wasn’t all that bad. I’m not sure I can say it was “intuitive” but I found things sometimes on the first try … still I bumbled my way around and it really was OK.

I suppose once I get the book, I should be okay. Thanks for the encouragement.

@DonBeto11 Until you get your book, there is an online help file for RM 10 that you can download and unzip if you want …

or while in RM 10, you can hit F1 and the Help manual will open in your browser…

There is also a Command Palette at the top of the page – it tells you short cut keys for some of them BUT you can just click on the name such as Color code and it will take you right to it

Yes tree share and FS will work basically the same as RM7 except someone recently said sources are NOT downloaded in FS— the big difference is that when you click on the ICONS ( or under PUBLISH), it will open a page in your browser to sign in–once signed in, you go back to RM and should be good to go…

What I do NOT know is IF tree share would work with a free account BUT think it would…

I suggest BEFORE you try treeshare on RM 10 that you make sure your RM 7 file and Ancestry file contain the same info–if NOT, download a gedcom from Ancestry and either in RM7 or RM 10 use the compare databases to get your info all in one RM 10 file— that way if you have a problem connecting to Ancestry the 1st time ( as some of us did), you can just upload a new file and still have everything…

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Thanks, I think I got most of that. But I was going to mess around with RM10 Essentials for a day or two. I figured if I liked it I would just delete the RM10 version. Then I only have the RM7 on my machine and I could go ahead and purchase and download RM10 fresh and then move all the info from the RM7. Would that work? or is that a dumb idea?

Yes, but if You confine your messing around with RM10 to only importing your RM7 database and experimenting with only actual ancestors/descendants from/to Ancestry (and FamilySearch)… You do not have to delete (uninstall) and start fresh. Just clicking the three vertical dots menu in upper right corner and choosing Register RootsMagic will allow You to enter the product registration key and unlock the added features while preserving your progress.

Additionally, I don’t believe one needs an Ancestry active subscription to TreeShare and synch changes made from within RM, but rather, just to search and link records, sources citations, etc. on Ancestry’s end.