Upgrading to RM9

I have been using RM for over 20 years and am now on RM8. I don’t use all the available options and am happy with my two ongoing files. Now that many of the problems with RM9 seem to have been resolved should I upgrade. I read most of the problem queries and must admit to not understanding many of the complex solutions. Maybe I should install RM9 but leave it unused for a while longer and continue happily with RM8. I’d appreciate any advice.

My only advice is to download RM9 Essentials and try it out before upgrading, especially if you are using TreeShare.

One key aspect of RM9 is the it uses a new sign-in method of OAuth authentication method to connect to Ancestry and FamilySearch which supports two factor authentication; (4-Dec-2023, Important: Upgrade to RootsMagic 9 to continue using FamilySearch and Ancestry features – RootsMagic Blog)

I read that Ancestry will be requiring two factor authentication for Ancestry DNA customers;

“Ancestry is requiring all AncestryDNA customers who want to view their DNA matches to use multi-factor authentication to log into their account. This requirement will go into effect by the end of the year,” said Ancestry spokesperson Gina Spatafore in an email to TechCrunch; (7-Nov-2023, 23andMe data theft prompts DNA testing companies to switch on 2FA by default | TechCrunch)

Other features in RM9 to consider are It’s here! RootsMagic 9! – RootsMagic Blog

There is a special sale on right now for RM9 @ $20 US. See this forum post. RM9 is much improved over RM8 and is actively being developed and supported. Since you like RM8, the transition to RM9 is basically seamless and the current sale price is probably the best price you’ll ever see. Make lots of backups and you can work in parallel until you’re ready to switch permanently. There are several good posts on database cleanup considerations prior to doing your permanent upgrade. I keep falling back to this one. It focused on the move from 7-8 but is still applicable.

The only other thing to be aware of is that the 8-9 file updgrade will take your current RM8 file and convert it. So have some plan in place to avoid loosing your RM8 master. There are several approaches but copying all your RM8 data files into a new RM9 data directory structure probably makes the most sense if you are going to use both products for a while. That way you can play around with RM9 without affecting your RM8 data files. When you’re ready, copy your current rm8 master db file into your rm9 data directory and open the file in rm9. Whether or not you duplicate your media files is a matter of choice.

This feature list just got posted in the Facebook group and may be helpful. It’s a pretty concise list of ==> What's New

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In my view, RM9 has been much more stable from day one of its release than RM8 ever was. Cost can obviously be a concern to upgrading, but in my opinion the stability of RM9 should not be a concern as compared to RM8.


The What’s New lists are excellent. I was looking for them when I was posting in the referenced thread on Facebook, and I wasn’t able to find it at the time.

There is one curious aspect of the What’s New list for RM9. Most of the items truly are new. But a few of them are not truly new. Rather, they are RM7 features that didn’t make it into RM8 and which now have been restored in RM9. But to tell you the truth, I’m not sure there is a good way to indicate this subtle distinction in the list.


Maybe something like:
New feature description (RM7 feature brought back from the dead)

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Hey @BOMOROB --sorry I wasn’t the 1st one this time :slightly_smiling_face:-- definitely worth upgrading as you and I talked abt in the spring BUT you MIGHT want to use both RM 8 and RM 9 for a while as @kevinm suggested-- also his suggestion of copying your files is very important as a lot of us found out when we updated in the spring-- only way you can open a RM 9 file in RM 8 is by making a gedcom–which you MIGHT lose somethings BUT we didn’t have that problem earlier-- if you have any problems etc, you know where I am at…

@rzamor1 – the special sale is $20 right now BUT is there an offer ( similar amount off ) for those who live in the UK and other countries??? PLEASE respond–Thanks

As far as I am aware the Holiday and Upgrade offers are only on the US website. I have not heard of S&N Genealogy or Gould Genealogy having these specials.

HOLIDAY2023 is 50% off so that depends on if it’s a new license or upgrade. The upgrade option is $20. This special expires 8 Dec 2023.

UPGRADE9 is $20 for either new license or upgrade. This special is for a limited time. It’s a waiting game with Ancestry and FamilySearch at this point.

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Thank You Renee–appreciate the quick and informative response…

Hi - Maybe you can advise me but in using webhints, I only ever get FindmyPast and MyHeritage to come up in RM9.

Findmypast only shows data for say 1 in 20 clicks on the links on there search results, otherwise it asks for membership. But it gets displayed on virtually ever persons webhints in RM9.

MyHeritage always works, no problems. But it only gets displayed on virtually 50% of every persons webhints.

Even thou I have access to Ancestry and FamilySearch, they never come up as a webhint. I am wondering if they are not available for UK RM9 purchasers.

Or better still how can I get them to appear ??

For Ancestry and FamilySearch WebHints first make sure both are enabled. Go to Settings, WebHints to enabled them. Then you need to login to both features inside RM. Go to Publish and click on FamilySearch Central and Ancestry TreeShare to login to each.

Hey @gray – Renee and some of the other guys on here are probably better candidates for this question as I don’t use hints BUT can give you a few things to check and try

1st open you file and go to SETTINGS
Under the gear setting make sure you have checked Enable Family Support Search…

Under the light bulb make sure you have checked marked all

I found this in the Help Wiki for web hints and it is very important
By default, the program goes to Ancestry.com (USA). If you have an Ancestry account from another country, go to Settings and select the appropriate site from the list under “Ancestry domain to use for viewing.

I turned web hints on to check it out-- then signed into Ancestry ( don’t use 2 step verification) and signed into Family Search ( don’t use 2 step verification)-- and watched the bulbs appear as I clicked on different names in the file BUT I only seem to be getting My Heritage and Family Search

NOTE above the web hints it says
To See Ancestry hints, do PUBLISH > Ancestry and connect to a tree

So basically try changing your Domain and connecting to your tree-- if you have more than one tree on Ancestry-- hit disconnect and then upload or download the other tree…

on a personally note-- if I was to use web hints,I really think there should be a way to pick what Ancestry file you want to connect to rather than uploading or downloading a new file as I MIGHT NOT have any changes to a file…

other than that there are several Wiki Help pages

Hi, Possibly a bit out of place with this posting: the Sales Chat option was offline when I tried (~1030 local time (MST)) - I’m in the UK (~1630 GMT). Concerns the 50% off Roots Tech 2024 offer for RM9. Order ref 48143841 via PayPal.
I’m sure I had a reply suggesting a download link would be in a second email but I can’t find that email: I haven’t received the second email. Secondly, I note that whilst my address is UK the country is US. Hope that hasn’t put a spanner in the works!! Any help appreciated. rgds

I contacted Sales and had them email the keys out to you with the download link. It is being sent to the email you used with PayPal.