Unable to create a narrative report

every time I start to create a narrative report it starts but then stops just before it’s created. trying to create a descendent narrative report. it’s just not happening.

What is your RM version and your operating system and its version? Can you post a screen shot?

I think we need to see what options you are using, etc. I make Descendant Narrative reports every day, and I have never had a failure in RM8/9/10. So the process seems pretty reliable overall.

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Under Sources try changing Citation type to Endnotes.

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Trying to get a narrative report (Descendent) but It starts generating, then stops. Using RM10, on a Mac.

Your screenshot does not show Sources settings. Have you tried

RM has always choked when footnotes accumulate to an excess for pagination or to cause memory overflow.

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Yes it’s set on Endnotes. Still not working

Reboot your Mac and reopen the RM. database. Run the database tools Integrity, Indexes, Phantoms, Compact, Integrity again. Then try the report. If it fails, submit your problem and database file to Tech Support.

You could also try exporting a GEDCOM of everything. If that fails to complete, that may give a clue to a lineage problem. Can you generate other reports or a narrative of a different, smaller line?


I ran the tools as you suggested. shut down RM, and rebooted my MAC. Im still having the same problem.

I can do a Narrative report using the two Ancestry options. It’s the dependents that I can not get, or isn’t working.