I tried to print a narrative report with 3 generations, not changing any other options, and my narrative report is empty. This man had 2 wives and 10 kids. Any ideas on how I might fix this? I’m on a Windows machine.
Which report type did you select? Are you trying to do the ancestors or descendants of the focus person? The first two options are for Ancestor narrative reports. The next five are Descendant narratives.
you might have accidentally picked wrong starting person/family, screenshots might help community advise what might be wrong
I highlighted the person but I will go back and make sure I selected descendants. Maybe I thought that was the automatic selection; I will report back. Thanks for your fast replies!
Good Luck! let us know if you need more help and post screenshot if needed
Well, it was the dreaded human factor again! I was not careful to select descendants as the type of narrative report. Thanks again for all your help.
No Worries we have all “BTDT” whether all admit it or not