TreeShare of large file on Mac causes RM9 to hang

Just installed the update and tried to download a tree from Ancestry. It still fails, but the error window has changed and now has a retry countdown. Cancel just restarts the countdown and the only way out is to force quit.

Hi Larry. I have the same problem on my Mac with a 26000 record tree. It always hangs at around 90%. My Windows versions have no problem downloading the tree. I suspect that the Mac software is actually running in a wrapper which also makes it much slower than Windows. If I copy the backup file from windows across it opens perfectly - and that’s how I use the Mac

You might want to check out this thread if you haven’t already. Seems that there’s a slight difference in the way RM indexes the db based on OS and a best practice is to run the tools to reindex after moving a rm9 file between mac and windows environments.

Thanks Kevin. I’ll look into that.
All my kids are into Apple tech and, if and when, I can get them interested in the tree they will need to have it in their format to continue with.
Personally I don’t like Windows, preferring Linux and then Mac, (I have all 3) but, there are a few things that I have to use Windows for- right now RM is one of them.

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No wrapper but still intel only code requiring Rosetta translation. That plus a less than professional mac version causes issues as reflected in very high cpu usage even at idle.

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simple comparison of cpu usage in activity monitor and istatistica clearly shows AM does not report overall app activity but is focused on individual processes.

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Just installed the 9.1.1 update and tried to download a tree from Ancestry. It still fails and cancel on the countdown window still does not work requiring a force quit to exit RM.

Just installed the 9.1.2 update and tried to download a tree from Ancestry. It still fails and cancel on the countdown window still does not work requiring a force quit to exit RM.

@LarryD FYI-- when there is a new update, RM always posts the info under News and Announcements with an explanation of what was FIXED…

If it doesn’t say Tree Share in the announcement then nothing on Tree Share was fixed…
Last update said

Fixed: Some Mac users couldn’t log in (or stay connected) to FamilySearch
Fixed: Mac users weren’t able to “Unmatch” on the FamilySearch person tools

Hi Nancy, Thank you. I do read what has been fixed with each update, but since this mentioned a connection issue ( which I believe is the issue with TreeShare ), I was just being optimistic. Also, I want RM to know that the issue still exists and will repost with every update until the issue is fixed.

Just installed the 9.1.3 update and tried to download a tree from Ancestry. It still fails and cancel on the countdown window still does not work requiring a force quit to exit RM.

I too am having issues with uploading a 7000 person tree to ancestry using a Mac with the latest operating system for the Mac and the latest version of Rootsmagic9. It hangs up at 50% each and every time. (I have uploaded smaller trees without issue). I keep my files in dropbox.

I also have the latest Windows version of RM9 and run Parallels. The same file hangs up at 50% there too even if I let it sit for 12-24 hours.

I suspect the code generator that RM uses does not create very efficient code for the Mac and the process times out. I have given RM access to my tree on Ancestry and they claim it works fine for them. They also admitted they tested with a gigabit fiber connection which apparently makes a difference. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have access to that type of connection.

Just installed the 9.1.4 update and tried to download a tree from Ancestry. It still fails and cancel on the countdown window still does not work requiring a force quit to exit RM.

Larry; my small 400 person tree failed to upload to ancestry on a 15 and 45 MB connection but does work on a 150 and 1000 MB service. Rootsmagic must trigger a timeout limit and fail on less than stellar connections. However FTM 2019/2022 worked fine for all of these speeds on a mac. FTM 2024 preview zoom in April and probably late fall release.

Hi Rooty, I suspect there are at least 3 factors causing the issue: 1) the tool RM uses for development doesn’t produce very efficient Mac code, 2) I have an M series Mac, so the inefficient code is running through the Rosetta translator and 3) I only have an average internet speed as no other is available in my area.

Thanks for the response.

Points 1 amateur mac development and 2 rosetta translation of resulting poor code are spot on and may explain the very high 15% CPU usage by rootsmagic when all other programs use 1% or less on current macs (ie FTM).
HughesNet has launched a new satellite service with 100/200GB data/month and 100MBs down/5 up. Targeted at customers with a southern exposure and no other internet choices.