Hi, I purchased RM10 today. After checking the guides I managed to get my ancestry tree into RM10, but it’s missing 1,944 people -ancestry file has 7,894. Is this a common issue?
Are there settings etc I need to adjust?
Do I just keep trying to download the same file from ancestry to new files in RM10?
I am not new to genealogy software but after a few years have had issues with my previous package when it came to syncing with Ancestry, tried sorting it out with both providers but now decided to ry RM10. I do most of my changes in Ancestry.
Any suggestions gratefully accepted. Many thanks
Open a support ticket and share the Ancestry tree with the agent so they can test the download.
thank you, I have just done that
I have replicated that issue before – but not the reasons why.
You can try Copy RM database then try uploading to new Anc Tree.
(after disconnect new db from ancestry)
It does NOT seem to fail on multiple attempts. Might possibly something to do with API was it does not seem database specific always.
Seems to fail about 5% people from the handful of database I have tested
when it does fail – but later when it succeeds --no failure despite same data
I have seen results similar to kevync1985 Mine are always uploads rather than downloads. Just a week ago I deleted my Ancestry tree and did an upload from RM to Ancestry that was about 2000 people short out of 40000. There were no error messages. Today, I deleted my Ancestry tree and uploaded again. This time it seems to have uploaded everybody.
I have no explanation other than the vagaries of the Internet and bad luck. I have good high speed Internet. Fortunately for me, the way I use Ancestry and RM together does not require perfection. RM is my production database and I RM’s TreeShare feature only to obtain WebHints.
I’ll try to download again from ancestry tomorrow to a new file in RM10, but hopefully the RM agent will be able to help before that. Thanks everyone for helping
Likewise same for me – but I can definitely see this would be a problem for many reasons for many users. Interesting that direction may also seem to NOT be a factor. I would think upload would be more common but media may come into play. Oh in my tests I specifically chose NO MEDIA.
I am also no media when it comes to TreeShare.
My Ancestry tree is completely private. I sometimes wonder if it might be a good idea to make a public Ancestry tree. If I did, I would make a copy of my full RM database, I would delete from the copy everybody I didn’t want in my public Ancestry tree, and I the I would upload that as my public Ancestry tree. Under those circumstances, I would include media
API info appears to not be processed (if its does happen in both directions). Meaning one side is not processing all of it (sometimes but not every time) not sure what thing(s) might be contributing to the fails.
Once my tree has been downloaded to the RM support, and the original issue sorted, is it then deleted from RM support system? I only ask because I don’t usually let anyone edit/contribute to my tree as it’s set to private on Ancestry and has living people in it
Yes, there is no need for us to keep it at that point.
Thank you for your help
kind regards