Sync ancestry issue -media files

I don’t know anything about your other software. GEDcom files do not include media but they may include the path and name of a file including the media. Rootsmagic gives you the option to do this as you will see in this screenprint where they are called ‘multimedia links’

I used this to create a GEDcom for a single person, my dad whose edit person screen you saw earlier. You should be able to open your GEDcom file in Notepad, the editor which comes with Windows. (Much better to use this than MS Word or a similar word processor.) When I do this, I can see the links to the media files

If your GEDcom file has these file links, then RM9 should be able to open them. To demonstrate this, I used RM9 to import the GEDcom file for my dad into a new RM file. As expected, I can see all the media files

I hope that this helps.


Thanks a lot.

I have take a look with the editor and there is the path correct.
If I import the gedcom I also had included the Multimedia links, so I don´t know where the issue is.

There are various other things to check. The Rootsmagic documentation here, says

If RootsMagic encounters any unfamiliar data in the GEDCOM file, it puts that data in a “list file” on your disk in the same directory as the new database. Every GEDCOM file you import that has a listing file, the listing file will have the same name as the GEDCOM file, except that its extension is .LST.

So, I would look at the .LST file for your Gedcom import and see what it contains. Have all the file entries been put there?

If that doesn’t help, it might be best to contact Rootsmagic support.


The 5 _ALTPATH line entry suggests some form of cross-linking or an alias name for an alternate path and may be something that RM has difficulty interpreting.

Oh, that are very interessting informations and I say thank You.

I hvae check the .LST and this is a very large file.
The error messages start with line 29 end end with line 44729. That´s to much “error”.
How it look are every media-file path “Unknown”.
and every place (Location)

It’s a pity, so I can not work with my gedcom. I have 2675 people in my file !! Thats a mission impossible to check all.
Maybe I can use RM to back up my ancestry data…

Thanks a lot to all helpers

I don’t know enough about Gedcoms to know whether your file is properly structured and Rootsmagic should have opened it. I can only suggest that you ask Rootsmagic support.


Every GEDCOM tag beginning with “_” (underscore) is a custom tag created by the originating software that is not necessarily recognised by the importing software. Some such tags do become widely supported but many do not. RM does not support _LOC and _ALTPATH; they are not part of the GEDCOM specifications.

It would be the exception for a program to fully support the whole GEDCOM spec and different developers interpret and exploit a specification in different ways. It would appear that FORM & RIN are standard GEDCOM but unsupportrd by RM.

It may be possible to transform your GEDCOM file into something more compatible with RM. For example, replacing the _LOC tag with RM’s custom _PLAC tag might work.

Thanks to all.
The same precedere if I take a gedcom to myHeritage FTB. This software also does´nt understand all tags.
Thatswhy I know the possibility with “Search and replace” in the editor.
This is to much uncertainty with so many facts in the data base. So I will use RM for save my ancestry data and work continue with my Ahnenblatt.